Fellowship Church and Pastor Ed Young Luxury Cover-Up?

WFAA Article

Of course the private jet is extravagant, and in my view so is a $240,000 a year for a parsonage allowance, which is not part of what sources say is part of his $1 million pastoral salary.  I’m thinking the salary thing should be easy to find out, as just about all churches make staff salaries available, but I wonder if that salary is addition to work he does outside of the church, like writing books and speaking engagements.

As I’ve written before, I’m often torn when it comes to the salary of pastors.  Of course I don’t expect them to live in poverty, and I certainly want them to be compensated fairly, it’s just I don’t know how to define fairly.  I remember once being asked if I thought a pastor that does the same amount of work as a CEO of a large corporation should get paid the same as that kind of CEO, since the work is about the same in terms of scope and managerial manpower.  And I still don’t feel like they should, just as a generals and commanders in the military have similar roles as a CEO or a mayor and governor yet get paid well less, because they do it out of love for country.

I took at look at the church’s website and there is no official response, but Young did make an entry on his blog where he seems to be dismissive of the report he hasn’t even seen.  Part of it is posted below:

A local reporter has spent what seems to be a great deal of time investigating me concerning my integrity as the leader of Fellowship Church.  We have not seen the piece that was aired, nor will we give credence to it by watching.  We do know that the report is scathing and creates the idea that I, along with my wife Lisa, have been dishonest in our business dealings and with our use of Fellowship Church as a means of obtaining personal wealth.

The reporter sent an email request for information, but refused to give us any details or information that he obtained from an anonymous source.  He only said that he has spoken with former staff members about us. But we have no verification of who he has spoken with.  We do not know his source(s) and it is irrelevant to us.  What we do know is that this report was made based on fragments of information gathered out of context and anonymously, and that it disregarded documented information that the Board of Directors for Fellowship Church is privy to and that is known by legal counsel and accounting audits.

The piece insinuates that I keep secrets from the congregation of Fellowship Church and that I use Fellowship Church to create personal wealth. Let me say very clearly, Lisa and I have no secrets.

My life is lived in an aquarium, and I am not ashamed of that fact.

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73 Responses to Fellowship Church and Pastor Ed Young Luxury Cover-Up?

  1. brian says:

    I think you should read the bible, there are some pretty wealthy people found in Scripture.
    I don't know Ed Young, but there is no doubt there is godly fruit in his life. Didn't Jesus talk about that?
    I am not a health and wealth promoter, but it sounds like everyone just wants to make a story because they are nosey!
    To all of the haters out there, I wouldn't mess with the man of God, remember what happened to the kids who made fun of Elijah? Also, if there is anything that is unbiblical, I think Pastor Young has a lot more to be worried about than appeasing some news crew. Praying for this whole situation. Blessings to you Pastor for all you do and may God protect your family. By the way, there is an error at the end of the news report – people don't pay the Pastor, God is the one who does that.

    • Lani says:

      I've been to Fellowship many times…it is all about Ed..Ed's day, Ed's hobbies, Ed is playing basketball…Ed fell down the stairs…Ed's kids, Ed's wife, Ed, Ed, Ed. Too much about him and not enough about Him. He uses a slip of paper with some notes, pulls fragments out of real context out of the bible to build around his story line, and frames his message with an absence of real theology. If he hasn't used his ministry for persona wealth let's go back and see what his house looked like 20 years ago….if his congregation is growing…great…guess the book store proceeds then go to feeding and clothing the poor? The display of his books are front and center…and when exactly did Mrs.Young become an expert on anything other than her opinions? Marketing her books, tpaes and seminars feed the poor also…where in the Bahamas…after arriving on an 8 million dollar jet? Please…nice people, who have been able to provide an arena for folks who have been able to connect with church or God and want that connection. Sadly, the gate they need to pass through is the Ed Young ego.

      • leigh says:

        laughing when reading this. the couple of times i attended i thought the same thing. he bounced around the bible so much that i never got a clear message about anything that god was trying to say. all i got was some anecdotal stories about how great ed is!

        also, really weird – he never prayed throughout the entire service. very strange.

    • agent says:

      From Rick Warren, "Purpose Driven Life" author:

      Speaking about his "purpose driven" success, in 2005 Warren told U.S. News and World Report, "It brought in a ton of money. The first thing we decided was that we wouldn't let it change our lifestyle one bit." Even after achieving notoriety and great prosperity, Warren and his family continued to live in the same home and drive the same vehicle. He said, "Next, I stopped taking a salary from the church. Then I added up all the church had paid me in the previous 25 years and I gave it back." Living on only 10% of their income, he and his wife began to give away the rest in a type of "reverse tithing" principle.

  2. Jessica says:

    Ed Young Jr. is one of those false teachers the Bible warns about, even on the Fellowship website under the "giving" page they ask for Cars, Jewelry, Homes, Coin Collections, Stocks, Bonds, Land, Gold & Silver.

    Anybody who goes to that church, please ask yourself this: When was the last time Mr. Young preached about salvation though Jesus Christ, Hell, Homosexuality, what is required to get to Heaven etc.?

    I was shocked when I saw the ABC Nightline report about Cheating. he could not even back up what he was saying with Scripture. and this man is supposed to be a pastor?????

    Every blog I've been on and everybody I've talked to say the same thing: Ed Young is a false teacher and he is not afraid to ask for money. I was looking for a chuch home so I asked some people about Fellowship and they told me to stay away from that place because they do not preach the full Gospel.

    • Nathan S. says:

      I was at Fellowship Church tonight (I am not a member, just visited) and Ed Young gave a very clear presentation of the Gospel.
      I swear, some people need to check their sources before opening their mouth about stuff they don't know.

      • Angela says:

        I totally agree with Nathan. I have heard him preach on salvation, homosexuality and Heaven, so Jessica must live under a rock

    • Tracy says:

      I am a member of Fellowship and I do not think I have ever heard Ed preach a sermon where he did NOT outline what is required to get to Heaven. Every topic you mentioned, I can easily recall multiple sermons where he preached about those topics.

      Regarding the ABC Nightline report, my husband and I attended the filming and saw the entire debate live. Keep in mind that Nightline edited quite a bit of the debate to fit into the hour long show. The actual debate lasted for over 2 hours. Ed referenced scripture multiple times throughout the debate. That was the entire crux of his "side".

    • Jeff Dowdle says:

      My question, is have you ever been to Fellowship? I have gone to Fellowship for 12 years and 80% of the messages are about salvation through Jesus Christ. Yes, he is not afraid to ask for money but the bible was very clear about money and you are supposed to bring your first fruits. If a church is going to be a bible based church, they have to talk about money in order to be alligned with the desires of God.

      Please, never accuse Fellowship of not preaching the Gospel. It is what Fellowship is about.

  3. Mark says:

    A number of years ago Ed Young wore a T-shirt during a Sunday sermon with the word Hummer branded across the front. Just the week before, Hummer of Grapevine donated a few of their SUVs for his brother to use during his band's tour. I stopped attending after that blatant commercial.

  4. Bernice says:

    It is tough for people to accept that yes, another person they trusted has proven to be unworthy. Ed Young has built an empire, amassed enormous wealth, and focused a lot of attention on himslef. While you may feel good being in the service, haring the music, and make whatever connection you have been unable to ake elsewhere, objectively accept that Ed is not all that he appears. If he was there would be lots more giving and much less taking.

  5. Dude says:

    I know that it will be common to blame the messenger here, but after watching the report it seems to me that this was an "inside job". How else did this get to Channel 8? It's likely that this church is experiencing internal issues and that is sad. It is the beautiful thing about the community of a church, it brings people together for greater good. But all my life I've seen the imperfect part of humans that tears churches apart. I hope that members there can find a church home that supports them by focusing on God's grace and peace.

  6. dan says:

    This is a good example of the value of investigative reporting, which many newspapers and television stations are being forced to drop because of budget problems. Reporters are normally the first people to sound the alarm to the public. As the story noted, the church kept the luxuries accrued to Young a secret and Young refuses to talk or explain himself. The reporters had to dig to find out what Young and his lawyer were up to (e.g. trips to the Caribbean in his private jet) It's a shame that Christians who are looking for a way to worship, a place to worship, and community of people to worship with, become so trusting that people such as Young see them as nothing more than sheep ready for fleecing.

  7. Fellowship Member says:

    I have been a member of Fellowship Church for many years and it's evident to me that this News Report was based on fragmented information provided by an ex-member who felt that they needed to tear down Fellowship and Ed Young due to their own personal battles. The Bible says to bring your "first fruits" to the local church and because of the Word of God, I tithe to Fellowship Church. I will continue to tithe to Fellowship Church because its what God has advised us to do, and because I am confident that my money is being used for God's works. I'm not concerned that Ed travels the world in a "leased" jet, instead I'm glad that he takes the time out of his life, and away from his family, to go and spread the Gospel to those that are far away from God. So, instead of tearing Ed or the church down, I think we should be lifting him up, and patting him on the back.

  8. Bruce says:

    Watch what happens when a person with power, money, or authority is questioned by the public.
    The questioners are labeled "haters" and instantly dismissed by unscrupous individuals.
    Interesting isn't it that Ed Young assumes a defensive and victimized posture when someone outside his
    church wonders why a preacher has a multimillion dollar jet.

    • Joe says:

      You need to get a life… Take a look at your own life.. What will we find? Ed is a Godly man. Also get your facts straight…

  9. Jeff Dowdle says:

    For the response from Ed and members of the Board of Directors.


  10. gary says:

    The nbc Dallas channel 8 news job on Pastor Ed Young Jr.’s plane and house, together with the selling of intellectual property rights and the church mailing list to one of Pastor Young’s 8 company’s, was at least partially inspired by some information developed by Ole Anthony’s cult (which is named after the first nuclear bomb detonated in 1945, in New Mexico). That name is Trinity Foundations. For info on just how terrible this organization is see <a href="http://www.dallasobserver.com/2006-08-03/news/The-Cult-O…” target=”_blank”>www.dallasobserver.com/2006-08-03/news/The-Cult-O… Ole reminds me of King Saul.

  11. gary says:

    But Pastor Ed Young Jr. does not remind me of King David, yet, though both had or have money. In Mark 12:38-44 and Luke 21:1-4 Jesus observes the widow give “extravagantly what she couldn’t afford—she gave her all.” He says, “This poor widow gave more to the collection than all the others put together.”
    Jesus is talking about the percentage of what she had that she gave (100%), in comparison to the percentage of what others had that they gave. Remarking on that percentage of those givers Jesus says, “All the others gave what they’ll never miss.” This means that if a person makes $30 million and gives (90%) $27 million to the church, he has not given any more or less (percentage wise) than a person who makes $30,000 and gives (90%) $27,000 to the church. In God’s eyes, the percentage is very significant. Now I can’t help but look at what’s left over: the first person has $3 million to live on and the second person has $3,000 to live on.

  12. gary says:

    on. “Man looks on the outside appearance but God looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:17) The issue is the level of my trust in God. If I struggle, God has a word to me for that. The 10th commandment “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors house, neither shalt thou desire his servant, nor his handmaiden, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is his.” (Exodus 20:17). I think God knows there will be an unequal distribution of wealth, or money. He made Solomon wealthy, “I’m giving you both the wealth and glory you didn’t ask for–there’s not a king anywhere who will come up to your mark.” (1 Kings 10:10-14) Since the total amount of money that Pastor Young makes is unknown, as well as the total percentage that he gives to the church is unknown, I am not able to judge. I can’t judge the money issue without that evidence. I do know that I cannot covet anything he has. And by the way, I’ve never given like the widow did, money wise, or even 90%, not even close. I want to do better. And by God’s grace I’ll trust more and give more. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some other things of deep concern though.

  13. gary says:

    Jude says, “Dear friends, I’ve dropped everything to write you about this life of salvation that we have in common. I have to write insisting–begging–that you fight with everything you have in your for this faith entrusted to us as a gift to guard and cherish.” (Jude 3-4) I sent a post to Pastor Ed Young Jr., his wife, and the family of believers at Fellowship Church. It is heart felt. 99% of it is about the Holy Trinity. Here is the heart of that post…
    "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. (2 Cor. 13:14) It is my prayer “that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.” (Eph. 3:16-17)

  14. gary says:

    “For through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father.” (Eph. 2:18) After all “there is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all. (Eph. 4:4-6) In my past life I have fallen into terrible and degrading sin. God tells us in His Word, “Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” (1 Cor. 6:11) The apostle Paul, who thought himself untimely born said, “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God, who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.” (2 Cor. 1:21-22)

  15. gary says:

    ) God is a friend with pastors who think like Paul: “For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified. I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling, and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.” (1 Cor. 2:2-5) We can agree that God likes variety. “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.” (1 Cor. 12:4-6)

  16. gary says:

    Peace is ours through agreement on the essentials. “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who in this way serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men.” (Romans 14:17-18) As a member of the body of Christ I should help our leaders, each “to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, ministering as a priest to God, so that my offering of the Gentiles may become acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:16) Notice again God’s pleasure expressed through Paul: “constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father, knowing, brethren beloved by God, His choice of you; for our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.” (1 Thess. 1:3-5)

  17. gary says:

    I know the good shepherd says this to his flock: “But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth.” (2 Thes. 2:13)

    Would it be faithful to assert that God knows that good leadership is that which promotes one unified Spirit shared among diverse Persons in community together? At the C3 conference?

    “I wouldn’t be happy if someone came along, while I was showing off the pictures of my wife, and said, ‘Oh, that’s not your wife,‘ or ‘that’s not who your wife really is.’ Nor would I like it if someone said, ‘That’s not your only wife.’

    • Jesus follower says:

      EBut where in the Bible does it say you shall get rich off your followersand the people who believe in you as the pastor of our church. I say shame on them. How are they any different in this case as those on T.V. that have gone to jail for this like Tammy Fay Bakers husband, and Tammy Fay Baker herself.

  18. gary says:

    In the same way, I am tremendously bothered when someone comes along and says, ‘Jesus is not God,’ or ‘You really don’t know who your God is.’ Or ‘You worship several Gods.’ You see, such statements are untrue, and they dishonor the God who made me–and them. We are all naturally jealous that the truth about those we love be known. We are hurt when they are lied about, or misrepresented, or mistreated.
    The same has to be true of our feelings about God. We should, if we truly love Him and His truth, be impacted by the denial of the truths He has revealed about himself. Impacted? How about upset? Even righteously angered? If we feel that way about loved ones who are our fellow creatures, how much more pure, holy, and intense should be our zealousness in defending the truth about the God we profess to worship and adore?” (The Forgotten Trinity: Recovering the heart of Christian Belief by James R. White

  19. Jesus Follower says:

    I have been a member of fellowship church for many years and have always felt Gods presents while I was thier, but I am very shocked that Ed and his family live so extravigantly and we all are struggling but continue to give what we can to the church. I believe how he lives is probably a little more extravagent than most of your pastors or ministers or priests. i believe his wages alone are rediculous and can't believe the home he lives in. I am very saddened by this and I am afraid that I will have to find somewhere else to go to church that continues to preach from the Bible. I will never in my lifetime be able to do or go the placces they go or where the jewlery that his wife wears, although I have to admit that I am happy with the life I live and content with what I have.

    • gary says:

      Let me share a hypothetical…Say a church leader gets his church to lease a plane for $84k per month. And he gets his church to pay the gas costs. And he gets his church to pay the insurance costs. And he gets his church to pay the maintenance costs. And he gets his church to pay the pilots who fly it. Then that pastor goes to conferences and speaks to 200,000 pastors and church leaders in maybe 3 years. And that pastor markets his "Pastor products" to other pastors and sells them his stuff for a profit and he keeps all the profits. That could be illegal, taxwise. But I don't know. I think it's immoral though. or unethical. remember, that is just a hypothetical. Pastor Young could open the books and let his employer, Fellowship Church Members, take a look. But is he? And let's say the only members of the board of directors for this pastor's church are nonmembers who are friends of the pastors, so that there are no members of his church on the churches board who the pastor is accountable to, now it's fishy.
      it's not what you have, it's what you give. and you must have gotten it legally, ethically, and morally.

  20. Ann says:

    I feel very sorry for people who follow a greedy, lying charlatan but I guess anybody will follow someone who is a great speaker and tickles their ears by telling them what they want to hear.

    If people want to continue to give to someone who is going to use their money for personal pleasures than so be it.

  21. Bob Jamison says:


    That aircraft is owned by Medill Corporation. It traces back to Ed Young as the principal through several other entities. The church is making the lease purchase payment on the aircraft. He only uses the lease word on stage and not purchase(evasive and deceitful). Ed paid $11.4 Million via a lease with a $1.00 Residual Buy Out for the aircraft at the end of the lease. He then wrapped the transaction in a “shell game” lease company that he owns set up as a Delaware Trust based in Texas. At the end of the lease, the congregation just bought Ed a jet. The only problem is N188FJ is a 1988 Model Falcon 50 that is now worth no more than 4.5 Million(Not the $8.4 Million the news reported. The news reported it as a 2002 Model and that is incorrect. Medill Corporation makes the payment to GE Capital each month. Is this the best use of the Lord’s money? The pilots that work for Brad Harris at Dallas Jet International(The management company for the jet based at Alliance Airport) that crew the aircraft have always known the aircraft is a secret. Alliance is highly secure and private compared to the other airports in this part of North Texas. Just call Brad Harris to confirm. He will give you the same half truth as Ed did on stage on who owns the aircraft. It is no secret that it is a secret and always has been. Here is the registration straight from the FAA Records:

    Record 1 of 1 found


    Make: FALCON Year of Delivery: 1989 Airport: AFW – KAFW – Ft. Worth Alliance Airport
    Ft. Worth – TX – United States
    Model: 50 Year of Manufacture: 1988 Serial Number: 50-188 Alt Ser#:
    Registration Number: N188FJ Prev Reg#: XA-ALA Status: Not for Sale Purchase Date: 4/4/2001
    Life Cycle: In Operation Previously Owned: Yes Ownership Type: Wholly Owned
    Currently On Lease Last Change: 2/3/2009

    Company Contact
    Owner/Lessor – General Electric Capital Corporation
    DBA GE Corporate Aircraft Finance
    10 Riverview Drive
    Danbury, CT 06810 United States
    Office: 203-749-6000
    Mr. Scott F. Forsberg
    Manager, Aircraft Remarketing
    Office: 203-749-6640

    Lessee – Medill Company/ Ed Young
    TX United States
    Ms. Ann R. Duckart
    Vice President Tracy M Lamb Vice President

    Aircraft Management Company – Dallas Jet International, LP
    5605 N. MacArthur Blvd. Suite 640
    Irving, TX 75038 United States
    Office: 972-812-7525
    Fax: 972-812-7527
    Mr. Brad Harris
    President & CEO
    Office: 972-812-7525
    Fax: 817-853-5188

    Registered as Owner – CEF 2002 Aircraft, LLC
    United States
    Hutson T. W
    Hangar: 503-329-5901

    This aircraft will be owned by ED YOUNG’S “SHELL” company, Medill for $1.00 at the end of the lease. ALL COMPLIMENTS OF THE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH. The aircraft costs the church over $1,000,000.00 per year currently with insurance, pilots, hangar, and repairs. Hmmm, now that’s not exactly as Ed put it on stage. There is no transparency at Fellowship because Ed owns the church and he won’t allow it. That is specifically against the way the New Testament insists that a church should be structured. It should not be owned by the Pastor. A church is owned by the membership but NOT AT ED YOUNG’S CHURCH. IT IS ALL SETUP WRONG AND IT IS FOR PROFIT BUSINESS THAT HE HAS CONVINCED HIMSELF IS SET UP CORRECTLY. LET ME KNOW HOW THAT IS WORKING FOR FELLOWSHIP CHURCH. WHAT A TURN OFF FOR SOMEONE LOOKING TO FIND CHRIST. ALL OVER A STUPID AIRPLANE AND A BIG HOUSE. ED YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!

  22. Jessica says:

    Jesus Follower, Please find another church the preaches the word, Ed Young Jr. is NOT a pastor, He is just like another Joel Osteen. Ed Young is a false teacher who is leading many people astray.

    even now, he is not telling the whole truth. If he is not going to be straight with his congregation or his staff that says a LOT about him. ( I wonder what else he's lying about).

    If Ed Young really wants to make that much money then perhaps he needs to have 2 or 3 more jobs.

  23. Watchdog says:

    I've been a member for 10 years. We have worked and volunteered and supported him. In recent years, I noticed a change from being all about Jesus to all about Ed. The fanatical expansion to a number of campuses and the expenditures, along with a 20 million dollar camp seemed impulsive, but again, I didn't judge. I trusted the money I gave was to be used to help the poor, dispossessed, needy, and to encourage others to become Christ followers. I was troubled by the news report and felt it was important to prove the report was wrong. What I discovered frightened me after independently verifying the truth. Fellowship has been used as a method for Ed Young to get rich. All of us in the congregation have been betrayed. Sugar coating his bad behavior and justifying this is just plain naive and indifferent. God doesn't want or expect Christians to watch as our leader takes advantage of position. Ed Young has dozens of corporations (Creality, that he is funneling money through, in addition to the plane. He told us on Saturday "transparency". The money entrusted to him has been frivolously spent so he can enjoy the fruits of "our labors". There is no justification for this when it is merely comfort and convenience for him. I am looking at the suffering souls in Haiti, and think he would choke by his selfishness. Shame, Shame on him!

  24. Anti_ Fellow says:

    The church needs more Rick Warrens and less Ed Youngs. Fellowship Church's website requesting watches, land, boats is scary and seems predatory. I know people at Fellowship Church who were manipulated ( one person invested 100,000 dollars and others 50,000 dollars) by the associate pastor Owen Goff and his wife Beverly and financial planner Frank Murphy. Investments were presented in a fashion resembling foreign missions and a sizable return on their investment with the promise of the principal being safe.3 months later, these people lost all their money and will likely never have it returned. Ponzi schemes are alive and well in religious institutions. This investment scheme was pre Madoff but collected more than 70 million dollars from unsuspecting believers under the name of Horizon Establishment.Travis Correll Enterprises.

  25. I just LOVE the way Ed Young walks left, then right, then back, then forward. Then watch his toes over the edge of the stage! As a student of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), he is the BEST hypnotizer in ANY church! WOW!

    What a great pendulum: HIS BODY, the pendulum. The CHURCH BODY, his pliable donors: GREAT FREEDOM! (for him, anyway…. poor souls don't know what he does to 'em. Too bad!)

    Yawning Over Potemkin Zombieland
    By Robert Winkler Burke
    Of inthatdayteachings.com
    Copyright 2/16/10

    Well then, it’s agreed:
    There are just no prophets today,
    Warning us about,
    Potemkin Zombieland. Hurray!

    Hurray! We’re okay,
    With hamster pipe walk-left-walk-right preachers!
    They don’t mesmerize us,
    Not according to our liberal school teachers!

    No, the wing tanks are full,
    On the jets of our preacher and politico class!
    We need discern nothing,
    Enlightened thought is just a worrisome morass!

    Even if one of us in thinking,
    Were to succeed,
    Not one, but all need enlightening,
    To work. Agreed?

    So we’re ever so happy,
    With Potemkin Zombieland!
    Leaders: rich, plebes: broke,
    Enslaved America is so grand!

    That’s what some preachers and politicians,
    Do, if not say, by their action!
    Never mind their blinding us to all that,
    Our one job: Their satisfaction!

    Never mind Western Enlightenments’ tragic view,
    Check and verify against each man’s sin,
    We embrace mystic, therapeutic tyranny,
    Our lives: dust, that masters live: golden!

    It’s the new all-for-one,
    And the new one-for-all,
    Feudal lords over us,
    Come now, lords of cabal!

    Actually, we need to be,
    More primitive, more easy-to-herd,
    More easy-to-direct gerbils!
    More nadir! Our zenith leaders’ word!

    We need faux James Bond leaders and preachers,
    Jetting to elite vacation spots!
    With fake licenses to steal our monies and lives,
    No consequences, no harms, no blots!

  26. john says:

    Yes, Ed young, Mac Richard, and John Cross, you will have to give an account before God. I would not want to tell God that a 'near million dollar' salane, private plane, 7?00 sq foot house is justified. (and Especially not with a big mortgage). Are you out of your mind. This is not the way of the Cross, Christ, and any of the apostles. No example of this can be found in all of the new Testament. members of his church should rise up against this evil. (yes, the church should have elders as the bible calls for and these elders are not it). Read your bible. As a Christian I am apalled at the complacency and worldliness in some of these churches. We will not have revival until we repent and the church is purified.

  27. FC Member says:

    I am so amazed at how many people are so critical of Ed Young's wealth. Are you happy for him or just jealous or envious? All of these critics and judgemental inidividuals (christians?) seem to think that they are the only ones who are capabale of discerning between good and evil. How many of you know Ed Young personally? If you don't know him personally then on what subjective standard are you basing your criticism? Who made you Ed's judge? As for his personal wealth, well, isn't that all subjective? How many of you critical "christians" own cars, jewelry, houses, stocks, bonds, etc.? It doesn't seem fair that you should have these things when so many people around the world are barely making it ends meet. Or how many of you have flat-screen HDTV's and have cable television and go to movies when so many around the world are starving? Before you judge others you better make sure that you are living an exceptional godly lifestyle.

  28. shawnwilson says:

    FC Member: Thank you!! I find it hilarious that in America (a capitalist country) when someone gets wealthy, who's not a Christian or Pastor he is commended for his hard work and benefit to society. But when a Pastor earns a big paycheck, uses his money to make more, buys things he may like or want, he is considered a "false prophet," or worse. I just don't get it.
    I don't care how much Pastor Young makes. I look at the fruit of his life and by what I can tell people are coming to Christ. That would tell me that he is bearing good fruit. Of course those that say otherwise are going to say I am decieved or something like that and then the argument will continue. It never ends and never will. They will always find someone to lash out against.

  29. Ed Young is a Robert Tilton repeat.

  30. LOVE FC! says:

    Bob reminds me of Brock or Judas.

  31. M.Jones says:

    Funny, that in a society where we reward and idolize thugs, gangsters, criminals, rap stars, athletes, white collar criminals etc etc and look the other way as our society erodes and accepts more and more ridiculous behavior that people feel the need to drag down those who at least make a positive contribution.

    Ed Young runs a very large organization and make no mistake it is a business. They use every available resource to share the word of god and to make an impact in their local community and around the world. Their effort is massive. Their reach is massive. Their membership is massive. His salary should be the same.

    In a time where a baseball player or rap star can make millions by making far less an overall contribution to society, I say pastors and those in the church need to be paid more. Far more important to lead someone to Christ and change their life than to write some derogatory lyrics about a young girl that happens to have a good "hook" to it.

  32. scottae316 says:

    "Every blog I've been on and everybody I've talked to say the same thing: Ed Young is a false teacher and he is not afraid to ask for money."

    Jessica, what are these blogs? Who are they run by? What is their purpose? Are they "heresy hunting" blogs. Di they claim to be "watchmen on the wall", "protecting the sheep", "exposing false doctrine" or similar claims? Are these blogs run by self-appointed people or small groups that have no accountability? Are they connected to a Church? Who have you talked to? Are they members of Young's Church or even former members? Have you ever been to his Church or watched his television program for a consistent period of time to know what he is preaching about. Honestly, where did you get your information? Are you a heresy hunter that because Young preaches and believes things that you do not agree with he is false? You claim that Young does not preach the full Gospel, what does that mean to you?

  33. Hypno Pastor says:

    You're a good writer, but very judgmental. Casting generalizations based upon how much first hand knowledge? There are over 300,000 churches in America and how many of those are in the media? How many are on the radio? How many are considered mega? How many are considered wealthy? How many are considered "seeker-sensitive?" And then how do you make your considerations? How many have you personally attended and how many pastors do you personally know? Yes, there are false prophets, false teachers and faux James Bond preachers, but without knowing the heart of a man, let alone knowing the "300k+ pastors and many more leaders in America and I would not dare pass judgment on my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. In due time God will separate the wheat from the chaff, not you or I.

    As far as NLP? Get real. I am a pastor and have many friends who pastor. I walk left, then right, then back, then forward. Then watch my toes over the edge of the stage… not because of anything more than nervousness at times in my early years and now probably habit. Maybe it gives me something to do as I teach? I've never really put much thought to it, but to hypnotize? As far from the truth, as the preachers you seem to be complaining about.

  34. Bob says:

    It's not his wealth that garners speculation- it is his lack of transparency in disclosing the purchases and investments he has used with FC's money.

  35. Bob says:

    made using FC's money *

  36. Bob says:

    made using FC's money *

  37. Kay says:

    The media sticks it's nose into other peoples bussiness and calls it news. What goes on at our church with our pastor is not the media's bussiness or yours. The media and all you bloggers make noise as if our God is not big enough to lead us, we some how need you to help us out. We don't. Our God is enough for us.

  38. Tate says:

    Couldn't have said it better!!

  39. Jessica says:

    patting him on the back? are you serious? for what STEALING God's money? go back to drinking the Kool Aid.

    I feel sorry for you and anybody else who follows this FOOL.

  40. Jessica says:

    so just because he reaches thousands of people EY should be paid millions of Dollars? Try explaning that one to God.

  41. Jessica says:

    unfortunately, I think there will be a lot more to come.

    people are not questioning the fact that EY has money. What they are questioning (and with good reason) is how he got the money ( he basically stole it from God and the people who go to his church)) and what he does with the money ( he spends it on himself and his family).

    What more is it going to take for people to open up their eyes and ears and realize that this guy is a fraud and a liar and a false teacher, who is basically stealing from not only the people who go to his church but the very God he claims he serves?

    One cannot serve two masters. EY has shown his true self. his fruit speaks for itself.
    Just because he opens a Bible and reads scripture does not mean that he is a Christian or a Pastor.

    *Think about the Fruit he produces* Jesus said we will know them by their fruit.

  42. Jessica says:

    I will pray that the Lord open up your eyes and everyone's eyes and ears that still go to Fellowship Church.
    There is a reason why God is exposing him for the wolf that he is.

    I guess people who go to Fellowship Church enjoy their ears tickled.

  43. Jessica says:

    It is out business because it HURTS the Body of Christ. it does not matter anyways because according to the Bible EY is going to go to Hell. Just because he reads scripture out of the Bible and stands behind a Pulpit and has the label of "Pastor" does not mean that he is a Christian.

    Have you ever heard of a Wolf in Sheep's clothing repenting and turning away from his/her sin? I have not.

    False Preachers do FAR more damage than anything else imaginable.

  44. andrew says:

    You know i don't have a clue if Ed Young manages his money the best way. but you know what? its not my place. its not yours either. "let him without sin cast the first stone." be my guest if thats you…..

    i know that church is kicking some butt for the kingdom. i see massive fruits. i know that ed has gone through like 20 years to get to where they are now. thats not the method of a wealth seeker. you mean to tell me that if you worked your butt off for 20 years youd wanna make the same money as you did when you started. heck no. there are tons of wealthy people in the bible. and pastors work so so so much harder than most jobs in america.

    anyway you wanna know the truth? how could you have spent the time for the kingdom that it took to write your hate mail? could you have been praying for Ed and leadership?

    i pray that all of you who wrote harsh words will seek forgiveness before God. it is a sin by the way…..

    • Jessica says:

      Really?so it's a sin to warn others about Wolves in Sheep's Clothing? I'm not going to Pray for Ed. Where in the Bibles does it say to pray for Wolves/False Pastors? I'll pray for people like you who still go to Fellowship, that the Lord open up your ears and eyes and realize that EY and many others like him are Wolves.

      Please direct me to a scripture where it says that Pastors can drive luxury vehicles, take luxury vacations, own private jets, live in mansions etc….

      I pray that the Lord continue to expose EY and others like him.

  45. Jessica says:

    Why would a pastor want to wear a Hummer T-shirt while "preaching" the word? EY IS VERY worldly, Plain and Simple.

  46. JHC says:

    I know a family that has attended this church for years and the only evidence I have seen from their years of attendance is that they now have disowned their gay mother. Very Chistlike indeed! Maybe if Ed Young preached more about the teachings of Christ and less about having sex as married couples, his congregation wouldn't be hateful and intolerant in the name of a loving Christ. What's worse, these people have criticized their mother's UCC church for "preaching a false doctrine." Really, because they're not being investigated!

  47. Jessica says:

    I pray that God exercise his judgement on ED Young and others like him, in the meantime, we are to warn others about his scams. I can't believe that anyone would want to defend this Wolf.

    Ed Young's "sermons" are nothing but man centered self help "Gospel". I pray that God will give all the people who still attend FC a HUGE wakeup call. I know a couple who still goes to this church (I Think).

  48. Guest says:

    People do have to speak out about corruption. It seems like someone else in the church is involved in another ponzi scheme. Some people have no shame.

  49. R-D says:

    Nathan… you need to dig a little deeper than just going to one service. I went to FC fro 6 months and can vouch for most of the negative comments. Currently I go to another church and am very comfortable with the preaching and transparency. There is a spirit of greed and lucre at this church. Jesus is not the center of FC.. Ed Young is. God Bless..

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