I just have this strange feeling that Jerry is going to keep Wade around and let Jason Garrett go.
One of my favorite shows is 30 Rock, and I had no idea that Grizz is actually 6-foot-11 and 378-pounds, and in need of a kidney transplant.
I mowed the lawn one last time for the year. The grass wasn’t really that high, but I don’t like raking leaves and found the mower mulches them quite effectively.
WifeGeeding has another doctor appointment today – something baby related, no sonogram, but I’m still gonna tag along.
I didn’t even enter a drawing but won two Cowboys Stadium tour tickets. I think I want to take the tour before the end of the season just to be sure the field not rolled up for some kind of event.
I wasn’t surprised that Tiger’s wife was spotted without her wedding ring, I was surprised she was spotted pumping her own gas.
"Chapman admitted to Dr. Oz that he ignored his high blood pressure and even refused to take medication for it for more than a decade. "Well, in the beginning I didn't take the blood pressure medicine, because listening to my friends, my friends told me, you know, if you start taking the medicines, you'll be on the medicine for the rest of your life. … I just kind of brushed it off and, you know, continued on my, my normal everyday life," Chapman said on the show. "
I guess maybe you are not always better off listening to your posse rather than some doctor.
"Chapman admitted to Dr. Oz that he ignored his high blood pressure and even refused to take medication for it for more than a decade. "Well, in the beginning I didn't take the blood pressure medicine, because listening to my friends, my friends told me, you know, if you start taking the medicines, you'll be on the medicine for the rest of your life. … I just kind of brushed it off and, you know, continued on my, my normal everyday life," Chapman said on the show. "
I guess maybe you are not always better off listening to your posse rather than some doctor.
You mowed your lawn for the last time this year and I shoveled snow for the first time this season.