Not everyone is comfortable about bathroom talk, but it’s a topic I’m about to talk discuss. So if you aren’t comfortable with bathroom talk, skip the section below in blue. It’s my blog, and I’ll blog what I want to, so before you rake me over the coals for writing about such a topic, please consider I didn’t have to warn you in the first place.
Yesterday I made a comment about people that wipe standing up. Yes, I’m talking about what you do after you go poo. Well, some readers were too shy to comment, but several Standers emailed me. They were completely perplexed as to why someone would actually do such a thing sitting down as they didn’t want to touch the toilet seat or get their hands near what’s in the toilet. But off hand (no pun intended), and I don’t know how to delicately put this, I just think standing makes things messier by the smearing when cheeks come together and the possibility of stuff running down the leg. Now it turns out one of the Standers is Canadian, and he took an informal office poll of the male office workers and just about all of them are Standers. They thought maybe it was just a male thing to do. Perhaps this is a regional or Canadian thing? I did search The Google and this forum on Yahoo! Answers was the cleanest one I found, and offhand I would say 80% are Sitters. I’m emailing Gordon Keith of The Ticket about this.
Tom Selleck was on the Daily Show the other night and talked about his ranch and how his family got really attached to this one cow. The cow died and he had it cremated so he could spread the ashes, and was actually surprised that when the ashes came back there in in a very large container about the size of a pop-corn bucket.
I can’t recall the last time I wore cowboy boots, probably back when I was in elementary school.
Nope, I remember, it was for a high school play called Roaming Joe and Julie.
I can’t recall the last time I wore a pair of Wrangler jeans, I’m thinking it was elementary school.
The last time I wore anything corduroy was in middle school.
I think it was the same for a netted shirt.
I haven’t posted a random TV show intro in a while, but no one has said anything, so I guess that wasn’t a real popular feature.
I once sat in Don Ho’s lap.
I once wrote a letter to Donald Trump. A reply was sent back to me, but it wasn’t from him.
It was almost 90 degree yesterday, but this weekend the temperature should be in the low 60’s.
I wasn’t popular in high school, but I wanted to be included in one of those “Most Likely to” or “Best” or “Worst” categories, so I campaigned to be the “Worst Driver.” When the results were tallied up, I was tied for “Most Friendliest” and “Worst Driver.” I was so friendly, I turned down the “Most Friendliest” so one of my friends could be in a category and I am now known as the Worst Driver of the the class of 94 from Mineral Wells.
I never had to wear glasses or contacts.
I like writing with a cheap Bic pen, preferably black.
I simply cannot wear tube socks with shorts.
I think the last time I had tube socks with stripes was in elementary school.
There was a span in my young adult life that I just didn’t really care about my appearance and would show up to work with bed hair.
Life would be so much better if I could take my dog to work.
In high school a lot of friends carried around a beeper/pager. I never really understood the reason for it.
I’m thinking about cooking a brisket this weekend.
The best potato salad in the world is found in a restaurant in Abilene.
I often think I’m not living up to my potential.
I don’t have any tattoos.
I never thought I would live to see the day, but Pat Robertson’s Regent University now has a young Democrat group. Article I don’t think such a group existed at my university, and don’t know if one was formed since I left. But the Young Republicans were a popular group on campus. I never knew such as thing existed until a saw a bunch of college students wearing a t-shirt of Ronald Reagan in front of an American flag saluting.
My cell phone is falling apart, I wish the Palm Pre would already release.
i love your randomness…i always want to comment on most of your points…but then get distracted by the next one…LOL…here are a few from today.
i too like cheap bic pens…the clear ones…and yes, black.
when you are hold and in a nursing home, trust me those taking care of you would make fun of any tattoo you may have…so save yourself the humiliation in your old age.
i thought tom selleck was interesting on the daily show…but by far my favorite daily show guest is Brian Williams…that man is a hoot.
WifeGeeding was the most beautiful duchess in the Yamboree……….and the ONLY one w/ any true history to the Gilmer area! We were all so proud of her………..especially her PaPa!
i love your randomness…i always want to comment on most of your points…but then get distracted by the next one…LOL…here are a few from today.
i too like cheap bic pens…the clear ones…and yes, black.
when you are hold and in a nursing home, trust me those taking care of you would make fun of any tattoo you may have…so save yourself the humiliation in your old age.
i thought tom selleck was interesting on the daily show…but by far my favorite daily show guest is Brian Williams…that man is a hoot.
send me the potato salad.
most of us don’t live up to our potential.
WifeGeeding was the most beautiful duchess in the Yamboree……….and the ONLY one w/ any true history to the Gilmer area! We were all so proud of her………..especially her PaPa!
I liked the TV show intro’s. I found a few the other day that made smile, Pettycoat Junction and Run Joe Run.
I did enjoy the TV show intro’s, but assumed you had just run out of inspiration.
and I am Decatur High School class of 93 – Most Likely to Rely on Cliff Notes – the English teachers never looked at me the same after that!
Sure, she was a duchess – but can she make a good sweet potato pie?
To Kim: Yes, she can if she uses her mama’s sweet potato pie recipe!!
What happened to “Grace” at the end of your post.
My friend Shawn says on his blog that this is the best blog on the net. After reading this post, I agree. Do you mind if I put you on my blogroll?
The best potatoe salad has to be from Sharon Allens in Abilene and it was also the same recipe at her ex husbands restaurant Joe Allens