One of my nemeses in life is the sink that makes you push the faucet down to get water. It’s really hard to wash both hands when one hand is busy holdind down the faucet, that is, water only comes out when pressure is applied. It really bugs me when you have a hot and cold water fuacet you have to push down, because then you are really stuck.
I didn’t spend a dime on WifeGeeding this year for Valentines Day, but I did get her a little something. I started writing down things about her that I appreciated everyday before I went to sleep. I had to write something down at least once a day, and it included items such as how she stands up to greet me everytime I come home to the way she takes shorter showers in the morning to save me hot water to all other sorts of intangible stuff. I simply read the list to her on Saturday morning. She gave me melted Kitt Kats she left in her car.
Perhaps if I was a real romantic, I would have cooked her this meal. Or at least this.
For the first time this year I didn’t go to church. Why? I blame capitalism. I decided to buy a new home theater reciever late Saturday night, and then I just had to come home and hook it up, and then I just had to watch all sorts of action adventure stuff on it. Before I knew it, it was close to three in the morning and I didn’t set the alarm. Back in the day, I use to call this Bedside Baptist Church.
I’m sad to report that the first sounds ouf of the new stereo was from the Jonas Brothers. This was not on purpose.
Time Magazine has a list with a bunch of YouTube clips of all the crazy David Letterman interviews through the years. It starts with Joaquin Phoenix and includes Madanna and her foul mouth, Drew Barrymore dancing on his desk, Andy Kaufman, Farrah Fawcett, as well as several others.
A guy is raising money by lifting things with his beard. Link
In case you ever wanted to ad a laugh track to a YouTube clip:Â The lolinator
Neck of State is a website devoted to Obama’s neck-ties.
The New York Times has something that is called an Article Skimmer that makes browsing their website a bit more easier and I would say a little more fun. Be sure to click on the items on the left sidebar.
Debate about using the term “Religious Right.” Article
I remember attending grad school at the University of Dallas, a Catholic university, and seeing a crucifix in every classroom. Another catholic school, Boston College, has recently placed crucifixes in the classroom and instructors feel a bit uncomfortable. Article
I have never slept in on a Sunday morning……I have never set an alarm (now that’s not to say on occasion that I haven’t chosen to not go to church but…) I prayed once a long time ago that I would worship more and I have an incredible “Holy Spirit” alarm!!!
Most of the World Press Photos were of depressing subject matter, certainly nothing I’d want to frame
Well, Keith can definitely cross Joel Osteen’s church off of his search list of denominations to join.
Surprised to read there is so much controversy regarding a private, Christian school placing crucifixes in the class rooms. When I went to a Catholic University [of course, that goes back several decades] as undergraduates we were required to take philosophy and theology courses, many of which were taught by Catholic priests. It was obvious when you enrolled in the school that it was privately funded by the church and that there would be a Christian influence on the campus.
I’m wondering if some of the Olympic hopeful cities are re-calculating the costs and benefits of scoring the Olympics given the global recession. I don’t think it helped Athens financially after they tallied it all up.
I have never slept in on a Sunday morning……I have never set an alarm (now that’s not to say on occasion that I haven’t chosen to not go to church but…) I prayed once a long time ago that I would worship more and I have an incredible “Holy Spirit” alarm!!!
Most of the World Press Photos were of depressing subject matter, certainly nothing I’d want to frame
Well, Keith can definitely cross Joel Osteen’s church off of his search list of denominations to join.
Surprised to read there is so much controversy regarding a private, Christian school placing crucifixes in the class rooms. When I went to a Catholic University [of course, that goes back several decades] as undergraduates we were required to take philosophy and theology courses, many of which were taught by Catholic priests. It was obvious when you enrolled in the school that it was privately funded by the church and that there would be a Christian influence on the campus.
I’m wondering if some of the Olympic hopeful cities are re-calculating the costs and benefits of scoring the Olympics given the global recession. I don’t think it helped Athens financially after they tallied it all up.