The mother of 13 who is a size zero

zero9dm1705_228×482.jpegJoanne Watson had no assistance getting back to a size zero – despite giving birth 13 times.

The 36-year-old grandmother says there is no secret to retaining her remarkable figure -although it may have something to do with the work involved in looking after her enormous family. She and husband John, a 42-year-old lorry driver, feed and look after 11 of their children at their four-bedroom home in Guernsey. And now they are expecting again.

But as Mrs Watson says: “I wouldn’t have it any other way. My family is my life. We both wanted to have another baby. I have been pregnant so often that I miss having a bump.” And ever since she gave birth to Natasha 18 years ago, that bump has always disappeared pretty quickly.

Mrs Watson, who is 5ft 2in tall, has a 23in waist, has always been petite. Before the birth of her first child, she was a trim size six. And miraculously she was back in her old jeans four days after giving birth. Now even smaller at a size four – the controversial size zero in the U.S. – she recalls: “I certainly wasn’t ready for a life in elastic-waisted trousers.”

She insists she has never been on any kind of diet during her pregnancies, and even indulged in meals of burgers and chips. When she became pregnant again eight months after Natasha was born, she never got any bigger than a size eight. She added: “I sometimes get into trouble by borrowing stuff from my daughters’ wardrobes.”



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