How to talk like Yoda

yoda.jpegTalking like Jedi Master Yoda is a fun and easy way to make a joke amongst your fellow Star Wars fans. His unique style of reversing the words in a sentence are easily recognized by fans around the world. Here’s How:
1. Take the first two or three words of a sentence, and just add them to the end. For example: ‘You will find what you are looking for’ turns into ‘Find what you are looking for, you will.’
2. Rearranging the negative in a sentences works very well. For example: ‘I will not help you’ turns into ‘I will help you not.’ Avoiding contractions will help in this — ‘I can’t go there’ turns into ‘Go there, I can not.’
3. Adding a ‘hmmmm…’ at the end of an altered question. For example, ‘Do you know what I am talking about?’ turns into ‘Know what I am talking about, do you? Hmmm…?’
4. Adding a ‘yes’ to an altered statement. For example: ‘You are here for my help’ turns into ‘Here for my help, you are… yes


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