Harry-est Town in America

harry-est_town_200_v22500645_.jpegAmazon.com’s Harry-est Town in America promotion features which towns in America, on a per capita basis, are pre-ordering the most copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from Amazon.com. The promotion will use the most recent U.S. Census data and include all U.S. towns and cities with a population of more than 5,000 people. Amazon.com will donate a $5,000 Amazon.com gift certificate to a charitable organization of its choice that serves the winning town. The winning town will be announced shortly after the deadline of 11:59 PM PDT on July 15, 2007. The list of the Top 100 Harry-est Towns in America will be updated on a daily basis allowing fans to track demand for the latest Harry Potter installment on Amazon.com.


Here’s the top 5:

1. Falls Church, Virginia
Last Week’s Rank: 1
2. Gig Harbor, Washington
Last Week’s Rank: 2
3. Vienna, Virginia
Last Week’s Rank: 4
4. Fairfax, Virginia
Last Week’s Rank: 3
5. Katy, Texas
Last Week’s Rank: 6
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2 Responses to Harry-est Town in America

  1. Heather says:

    Notice it’s not LA or New York or any other over-populated cities where there are plenty of other things to do…

  2. Dan says:

    Three of the cities where the fantasy series is most popular are just outside of Washington D.C…???

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