’s Harry-est Town in America promotion features which towns in America, on a per capita basis, are pre-ordering the most copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from The promotion will use the most recent U.S. Census data and include all U.S. towns and cities with a population of more than 5,000 people. will donate a $5,000 gift certificate to a charitable organization of its choice that serves the winning town. The winning town will be announced shortly after the deadline of 11:59 PM PDT on July 15, 2007. The list of the Top 100 Harry-est Towns in America will be updated on a daily basis allowing fans to track demand for the latest Harry Potter installment on
Here’s the top 5:
1. | Falls Church, Virginia |
Last Week’s Rank: 1 |
2. | Gig Harbor, Washington |
Last Week’s Rank: 2 |
3. | Vienna, Virginia |
Last Week’s Rank: 4 |
4. | Fairfax, Virginia |
Last Week’s Rank: 3 |
5. | Katy, Texas |
Last Week’s Rank: 6 |
Notice it’s not LA or New York or any other over-populated cities where there are plenty of other things to do…
Three of the cities where the fantasy series is most popular are just outside of Washington D.C…???