BON Closed Today

Woke up with a fever and I do not have the will power to blog.  Sorry to disappoint.

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13 Responses to BON Closed Today

  1. baboo says:

    Sorry to hear that! Get some rest and feel better!

  2. Tammy says:

    That is no fun…I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Jimi says:

    why does the fever hate your freedom?

  4. Dan says:

    Your illness has disrupted an important part of my morning: checking in on BON. Hope you feel better; have a nice weekend.

  5. Nathan Hart says:

    peace to you, brother.

  6. Chris says:

    Hopefully you will be well soon. Try and have a good weekend.

  7. MToots says:

    You have a good nurse. Hope you’ll soon be better.
    Chicken soup and rest!

  8. Margaret says:

    Wow-you are REALLY sick. Get well soon. Blessings, Friend Margaret

  9. stephanie says:

    is it nice to at least know that when you’re sick, we all suffer with you? All our mornings are left pining for other things to waste our time reading about! Hope you feel better soon.

  10. Anonymous Poster says:

    I don’t feel sorry for you one bit. You get the time to be sick; something that the parent of 5 never gets the time for. Enjoy all your soap operas, and endless naps. 🙂

  11. Anonymous Poster says:

    I don’t feel sorry for you one bit. You get the time to be sick; something that the parent of 5 never gets the time for. Enjoy all your soap operas, and endless naps. 🙂 You big Jerk!

  12. Amanda says:

    Hope you’re feeling better hon!

  13. bsg says:

    Don’t let the terrorists win!

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