Barn Yard Freak Show

Welcome to the Barn Yard Freak Show, featuring miscellaneous articles, stories, artwork, pictures, links etc. etc. etc. about Freak Animals. You will find here the World’s Largest, the World’s Smallest, and the World’s Strangest. They will amaze you, shock you, you will see the strange, the fantastic and even a little whimsy.



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13 Responses to Barn Yard Freak Show

  1. Pingback: Barn Yard Freak Show « dérive

  2. sade says:

    how cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. sheylinn says:

    that is a dorable! i want one!

  4. paula owens says:

    wat da hell is it ??????????????????

  5. Chloe' Carmel says:

    it’s not cute!!!
    but it’s not a freak either!!!
    it just has it’s differences just like everyone else!!!=]

  6. Joke.Dam says:

    Mom! Give-me one!

  7. michaela says:

    u people r wrong

  8. Nia says:

    It’s is cute, but in no way a freak it is unique. People need to respect that instead of breeding out animals that have disablilties for a show. It is just cruel, and inhumane.

  9. Matt says:

    I think if we used these misfortunate things to learn how to prevent it instead of make a quick ticket admission buck then we would benefit a hell of a lot more

  10. darcy says:

    it is not a freak,i think it is adorable and you people are wrong to post that on the internet

  11. darcy says:

    you are absolutely rite

  12. suckerfree says:

    Well i think that it is cute and ugly! It is cute because it is so little but it is ugly because at how it is. All the girls that are saying that it is so cute you are freaking retarted.

  13. Shez says:

    You people NEED to grow up!!! this animal didnt ask to be born this way!! Its such a shame that people can make a joke out of this!! It wouldnt be so much of a joke if you were this way or had a child born this way!!The person who published this should be ashamed!!!

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