30 Cops Will Help Enfoce No Cheering Rule At Indy Graduation

Hold your applause or you’ll be thrown off the property.

That’s the message Superintendent Eugene White is sending to the families of Indianapolis Public School graduates who will attend this year’s commencement ceremonies.

White sent letters to graduates earlier this month informing them and their families about the new policy forbidding cheering during the reading of the graduates’ names. The goal is to restore decorum to the ceremonies and make certain that every name can be heard.

White’s letter reminds students that attending a graduation ceremony is a privilege, not a right. A spokeswoman for IPS said 30 school police officers will be on hand to enforce the rules.


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2 Responses to 30 Cops Will Help Enfoce No Cheering Rule At Indy Graduation

  1. Shawn says:

    Even more evidence of a Police State that this country is becoming. That’s really sad.

  2. Doug says:

    Yay! GOOOO BIG GOVERNMENT!!! Oops! The officers are asking me to leave this website. Sorry…

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