Christian Democratic Network of Greater Dallas
We are a group of Christians of various denominations who believe that our Christian faith calls us to work within the Democratic Party. Our membership comes primarily from the Democratic Parties of Dallas and Collin counties. We are inclusive and welcome people of all Christian denominations, other religions, agnostics, and atheists. We reject the notion that any single party can claim the Christian faith. We feel the Democratic Party has a great story to tell for Christians but that it has not been getting heard. We are here to tell it.
While we are Christians, we also fervently support the Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of religion. We respect the views of all categories of believers and non-believers. While as Christians we are, by definition, evangelists and we individually evangelize in our own ways, evangelizing the Democratic Party is not a group goal. We merely wish to give presence and voice to Christians within the Democratic Party.
Meetings: Our meetings our normally held on the second Thursday of every month at the Spaghetti Warehouse at 15th and US75 in Plano.  The meetings start at 7:30 PM and generally end by 9:00 PM. Start arriving at 7:00 PM for food and fellowship.