CHICAGO – United Airlines Flight Attendants, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants -CWA, AFL-CIO (AFA-CWA), applaud the number one Flight Attendant in the industry, Iris Peterson, as she retires from the job that started as “sky girl” or “stewardess” and evolved to “certified safety professional” and a career for “Flight Attendants.”“There’s no way to celebrate the career of this phenomenal woman without recognizing the extraordinary achievements she was a part of fighting for throughout her career. Iris led the way in shaping the career we are each so proud to call our own,” stated Greg Davidowitch, President of AFA-CWA at United Airlines.  Â
When Ms. Peterson began her career in 1946, jet engines were nowhere in site and job restrictions included age, gender, ethnicity and weight. But the vision of Ms. Peterson and her peers helped to destroy these discriminatory practices. Today, the Flight Attendant profession is often recognized as a leader in advancing the rights of women and uprooting gender discrimination.Â