The article about it can be found here.
However, an entertaining story about him a friend sent me can be found after the jump.
Oh yes, the wheelchair story. Gabe, it was insane, I
swear you just won’t believe this. I was busy
jabber-jawing in the car. I turned a corner in
Northgate with one hand. All of a sudden right in
front of me there was a guy in a motorized wheelchair
coming down the street in MY lane. He was heading
straight toward me and fast. I dropped the phone,
swerved the car to the left and barely missed the
dude. I thought to myself, OH MY GOD! I almost ran
over a handicapped person, how awful. And you know,
you can’t really give him the bird and tell him to
watch where he’s [explative] going like you would for any
other idiot going the wrong way down the street. That
would be tacky. But then, I realized something. I
recognized the guy. It was Stephen Hawking. I nearly
crapped myself. He was giving a lecture on the A&M
campus that weekend. Rudder Auditorium was completely
sold out. And there he was in Northgate, cruising the
street, checking out the scene, maybe hoping to score.
Gabe, can you imagine, my picture would have been on
the front of every major newspaper in the world.
Headline: Jerk talking on cell phone plows down
Stephen Hawking. Definition of hell: You spend your
entire struggling to BE somebody, next minute your
dream comes true.