Petition to Nike: Create a pair of shoes like the ones Marty McFly wore in Back to the Future II, and release them to the public.

We, the undersigned, out of love for the NIKE brand and the design of the “Back to the Future Part II” future NIKE sneakers (worn by Marty McFly played by Michael J. Fox), would like to request that NIKE create a pair of these kicks to be sold to the public. It is the strong belief of the undersigned that these future NIKE sneakers would be immensely popular and not only boost NIKE’s sales but gain new fans of the NIKE brand.

Click here to sign the petition.

You know, they are very Napoleon Dynamite-ish.

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One Response to Petition to Nike: Create a pair of shoes like the ones Marty McFly wore in Back to the Future II, and release them to the public.

  1. Trinity13 says:

    I’d def buy them!!!

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