Back to the grind

My apologies for not updating BON as of late. But, now I’m back in the saddle again.

As you can see, BagOfNothing is jazzed up a little bit – I hope you enjoy the changes.

I started this website back in August, and boy how has it grown. Since August, this site has been accessed over 300,000 times. Wonder when we’ll hit a million? Anywho, below are some end of year stats in case you are interested. Just click to enlarge.

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6 Responses to Back to the grind

  1. now that your famous can I have your autograph?

    Sorta dissapointing now that you know what I look like huh?

  2. heck no. you should have seen the mental image I had of you before. 😉

  3. Anonymous says:

    Here’s a little unsolicited feedback: I do like the new web stuffs, but…. any particular reason that I have a big blue bar down the left side of the website when I’m viewing it within Firefox? I get the same issue on two different computers. In IE it’s great, in Firefox, not so much….

    Are you still an IE user?

  4. yup, i’m one of those that sill uses IE and havent tried Firefox or Opera.

  5. Gabe says:

    I was wondering what’s up with the blue bar. I can’t read any of the entries, but I can click on comments.

  6. Anonymous says:

    It must be Firefox Friendly!

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