Rocket Fishing Rod

289959.jpegThe Rocket Fishing Rod eliminates the need for casting out and incorporates a mechanism which fires out hook, line and sinkers within a unique and patented capsule that will double as a float when in the water, alerting the user when a fish is biting the bait. The Rocket Rod will fire its capsule up to 30ft from a single pump of the shot gun-like loading mechanism and releases the baited hook as the capsule hits the water. As with traditional rods the Rocket Rod incorporates a reel for retrieval of line. This is closed faced and functions in the same way as a traditional reel with an adjustable drag designed to prevent line-breaks.

Buy one here.

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One Response to Rocket Fishing Rod

  1. Doug says:

    I was just thinking, since I work at Lockheed Martin, I could fish in Austin and never have to leave Fort Worth.

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