Bag of Randomness for Thursday, March 14, 2024

  • My electric bill was less than I expected. Curious, I thought I’d look at my usage history and compare it to the same month of last year. Oddly, my electric provider only provides 11 months of usage history. I could understand if I had only been a customer for 11 months, but I’ve been their customer for almost two years.
  • From last night’s Daily Show:
  • The new The Fall Guy movie with Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt might have some potential but I don’t like the approach they took with it. I loved the show’s theme song and had the metal lunch bunch and thermos.

    One thing that continues to annoy me is when people claim Heather Locklear was on the show. She wasn’t, it was Heather Thomas. I distinctly remember the three posters my older sibling had of her in his room. Here’s The Fall Guy version that was on his closet door. A small group of you folks will be confused by the Mineral Wells Panthers stickers on the other door.
  • I watched the most recent episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Personally, it ranks in my top three favorite episodes.
  • Sleeping alone, you don’t think about washing your sheets very often. I’ve needed to for a while but kept putting it off. Having one of my dogs vomit on it was just the motivation I needed.
  • Residents of Mineral Wells will often hear that the 13-storied Baker Hotel will be remodeled. We laugh because this story always comes up every handful of years only for nothing to come of it. But one day, the news proved to be true. All that went through my mind as I saw the headlines for this story, and the man made a great point: Australian billionaire revives dream to set sail on Titanic II
    • “It’s a lot more fun to do the Titanic than it is to sit at home and count my money,” Palmer reportedly told local media with the blunt honesty of man who earns almost half a billion dollars in mining royalties every year.
    • Everyone would love to have this problem: “For Palmer the question is not how to earn money, but where to spend it.”
      • That sentence reminded me of the intriguing 2003 documentary Born Rich created by a Johnson & Johnson decendent who was faced the same problem as he was about to turn 21 and accept his inheritance. In it, he seeks out how to be a productive person to avoid the dysfunction he sees affecting many of the very rich. He also interviews 10 other young heirs, one of which is Ivanka Trump, who I felt came off favorable in the film. You’ll also see a Vanderbuilt and Bloomberg heir.I’d like to see a follow-up and see what they did with their inheiritance and what they are up to now. You can watch the 67-minute documentary in its entirity free on YouTube. Sadly, you’ll have to do it in standard defintion, or what I like to call ULD, ultra-low defition. If you just want to catch the Ivanka section, who sports both blonde and brunette hair, here you go. As she shows us her room, you realize she was just a regular teen and hung posters of her favorite bands on the walls of her room. But the most intersting part starts at the 2:40 mark. She tells a story of her father who was going through a divorce and bankrumpt pointing at a homeless person outside Trump Tower and saying to her, “That guy has eight billion more dollars than me.” The former president is a very prideful man who doesn’t want to appear weak, so I wonder if she got any flack for saying he was in “extreme debt at the time.” To me, it makes for a better comeback story, and America likes a comback story.
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