Bag of Randomness for Monday, February 26, 2024

  • Yup, that guy is paying up for losing a bet. Actually, coming in last place in his fantasy football league. What does it say about your sport and its current status with the general population that it isn’t even in season and you are bringing
    attention to how much you enjoy keeping track of the other sport?
  • In the last five years, Josh Allen of the Buffalo Bills has thrown the most interceptions (66) of any other QB. I find that shocking for someone most feel is a top-five QB in the league.
  • Here’s a clip of local boxer Ryan Garcia entering a store at the Galleria in Dallas and buying everyone new sneakers. It’s a nice thing to do, but this was obviously staged to get him some PR. You see him not getting the reaction or response he was looking for and petitioning more youth to come inside.
  • That’s what you call a rebuke.
  • I bit the side of my tongue pretty badly in November. There’s still a small hole, noticeable, but not too deep. And, I still experience a bit of pain. I’m debating if I should see my general practitioner or a dentist. I’m hesitant about dentists because when I think of them, I think of teeth, not the entire mouth or tongue.
  • I got a big kick out of this ref.
  • BoyGeeding participated in a chess tournament on Saturday. He did alright individually, but his team won first place in their division. Here he is holding the team’s trophy. When he was younger, I thought he resembled me a whole lot, that we could have been easily mistaken for each other at the same age. As he grows, I see less and less of me in him, literally and figuratively.
  • At the start of the school year, my daughter was participating in cross country. I saw on the school schedule that a cross-country meet was taking place on Saturday morning in Denton. I showed up, hoping to surprise her. I was a little late, but proud that I made it with my health issues and all.  Remember, I was still using a cane and walker to get around. But no one informed me she quit the team earlier that week. Legally, we have a binding written agreement to inform each other of important events or changes in the kids’ lives. But the thing is, it’s only enforceable if by going to court, which means hiring lawyers, and I ain’t got no funds for that. So, I just make a note of it and focus on the fact they are in good health and being provided for.
  • The most joyful thing to do in my life right now is to help or support (as in attending and cheering) my children. I used to proudly, but lightly, embarrass them, but they don’t take that well anymore. I think if I was still married and they lived with me all the time, I’d continue to do it. But now that my time and access to them is limited, I don’t want the last thought or impression they have of me to be a negative one.
  • It’s a big deal for me to try to attend all my children’s events. My father took a lot of pride in attending every one of mine except for those in which he was traveling for business or was in the hospital. I had some friends who never had a parent attend any of their events for various reasons, and some of them took it pretty hard. As important as it is for me to attend them, and as much pride and joy I get out of it, it’s the hardest thing to do when their mother shows up. When she’s not there, I’m having the time of my life and interacting with other parents. But when she’s there, I have such a fear she will take something the wrong way (it’s happened a few times and the aftermath was prolonged and ugly) that I tend to sit apart from everyone and mute myself. It was a bit challenging at the chess tournament. The matches were held in the cafeteria and no one other than officials could be in there. When they weren’t in a match, they waited in the gymnasium with everyone else. Along with my son was his mother and sister. Since it was like an eight-hour or all-day event, I wanted to be near my kids to interact with them. Their mother has made it clear not to bring up any family memories or even make any small talk with her; and not to coordinate with her on these things. She’s never mean or rude, but I feel highly uncomfortable around her. Not to mention, we’re still trying to solve a big matter in court. Then there are those thoughts about how I used to look forward to these events and spending time together as a family making memories, and how we let our kids down not trying to keep the family united and giving them the best childhood possible. It still aches not to celebrate our kids’ successes together, like high-fives and such. While it felt great to be around my kids and love and support them as best as I could, it was very challenging to deal with the discomfort. If there’s one thing I don’t like, it’s that feeling of having to walk on eggshells around someone. It would feel great just to be. That’s it, just be. Keeping your guard up gets tiresome. At least there are just six more years of school activities to look forward to. On one hand, I just want to hit the fast-forward button, but on the other, I don’t want them growing up so fast and I remember the words of my elderly and ill father telling me to never wish my time away.
  • Speaking of being a good and supportive parent:
  • I get easily annoyed when someone asks a question on a social media platform and someone feels the need to reply with an obvious answer the person asking the question has already thought of or tried. For instance, “Where can I find a superhero-themed sugar bowl?” Then someone, multiple people actually, has to reply with “Amazon” or “Have you tried Amazon?” As if that person hasn’t already tried or already has in mind to check out the world’s largest retailer.
  • These stories always get my attention, but this one has the added caveat of taking the bomb out to sea to detonate it.
    • An unexploded bomb from World War II has been taken out to sea and detonated after being found in a garden in the English city of Plymouth, authorities said Friday. The decision to detonate the bomb at sea was taken “after considering all options, including a controlled detonation on site,” according to a government statement.
    • And shame on you if none of you immediately thought of this. Sure, I could have just placed an image or GIF, but I enjoyed this trip down memory lane as I forgot all the different scenarios he ran into.
    • That’s got me thinking, I wonder when Christopher Nolen filmed the climax of The Dark Knight Rises if this scene even once crossed his mind. Obviously, he couldn’t put the line in there because it would be too distracting, but he should have at least filmed it and put it in as a special feature on Blu-ray.
    • Nike is no longer making the uniforms for MLB. Fanatics is now the provider and will be for the next ten years. Fans and players are complaining the jersey tops appear cheaply made and in some cases their pants are see-through. I have a feeling a lot of folks my age are referencing a Seinfeld episode. @FanaticsSucks on TwitterX is tracking a lot of these issues.
    • This is what you get when you play football in an ice rink.
    • Yeah, I know, the other party does this as well. It just goes to show you how we all should hold ourselves up to a higher standard and not be so two-faced.

    • A lot of folks gave a lot of pleasant things to say about the recently departed Bobbie Wygant. I’ve got some things to say about that later. But for now, here’s a bit of a blast from the past for you local folks. JaM got back together. “I love you, Jane.” (Personally, I don’t think this comes across as bad as the guys on the Ticket make it out to be.)

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