Bag of Randomness for Thursday, August 17, 2023

  • I’ll tell you what I miss about marriage, or maybe a significant other or best friend. Yesterday was my first day at work after working eleven and a half years (literally, a quarter of my life) for a great company. I had so much I wanted to share, I just didn’t have anyone to share it to. It’s this sort of thing that makes adjusting to singlehood a challenge.
  • I guess I’ll tell you a little about it. Sure, I know, I have you, but it’s just not the same. Well, since I’ll continue to work from home and both my former and new companies have the Treasury Department as their client, not much has really changed. For instance, my commute is the same; I still work from home and use the same Treasury Department-issued laptop. For the most part, the only things that have changed are the internal websites I access and the people I work with. Currently, I’m having to go through some mandatory training to stay in compliance, which is about as lively as a Mike Pence birthday party.
  • Pronouns. I said it once and I’ll say it again, when you are working with people from different cultures all across the world, those pronouns are very helpful. I don’t mind them at all.
  • As sad as I am about the Maui wildfires, that place is going to look beautiful when it’s rebuilt. Residents will probably be outpriced in their own neighborhoods.
  • I watched the Johny Manziel documentary on Netflix. Man, aTm was all over exploiting that young man and did nothing to help him set himself up for a future. So many rules broken, so many lies told. After watching this, I definitely would not want my children to attend school there.
  • Twitter was fine as it was. The name, “Twitter” and posts called “tweets” was clever. Elon Musk has ruined it. I still think it’s going to be bought out by Mark Zuckerberg.
  • I do my best blogging in the moring, me thinks.
  • This rabbit chase was all over Twitter the other day. Those animals sure can run fast for a long time, I got winded just watching this.
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