Bag of Randomness for Thursday, August 10, 2023

  • “Twitter” was such a cool name, and calling messages “tweets” was cute and made sense. I can’t believe how much he is blowing up the only form of social media I use.
  • I wonder, on the average college football team, what percentage of players do not have a tattoo? They are already popular with young people, and NIL will make it easy to afford them. My current guess is 76 percent of players on the average football team have a tattoo.
  • I spoke to one of the foundation repair guys at my house about the tattoo of three crosses on his neck. He looked like he was in his early twenties. After he told me the religious symbolism behind it, he said he wished he never would have gotten it. I bet a lot of young adults as they grow older are going to regret the tattoo they got. And the person who creates an easy and quick way to get rid of them is going to make boatloads of money.
  • I read somewhere that a high number of recently divorced women will get a tattoo within the first two years of divorce.
  • Sometimes I sit back and think about how I felt my divorce came out of nowhere. I had no idea my spouse was unhappy in our marriage, or with me. I thought she was unhappy about herself. Sure, we had problems we were working through, but since we never made it to a single counseling session together I didn’t think our marriage was near coming apart. She never communicated to me our marriage was in danger. The house was still going through a major restoration. And we agreed to renew our vows in a private ceremony with our kids. Heck, she even initiated sex the night before she left.
  • I wish I could look my children in the eyes and tell them we did everything possible to keep the family together. I feel so bad for my part in ruining their childhood when all of this could have been prevented.
  • When I look back at things, I see some of the red flags I missed. For instance, on our last Christmas together, my then-wife was crying when opening presents. She told us all she was crying out of the kindness of one present I got her. But now I see she knew that was going to be our last Christmas together as a whole family because she mentally checked out long ago.
  • The ex and I disagree on what is and what doesn’t constitute a family post-divorce.
  • Here’s one question I’d like her to answer: What things did you do to help keep the family together?
  • My ex told me she didn’t know when she stopped loving me. That got me thinking, is it possible to stop loving somebody? And, of course, you have to factor there are different types of love. I’m estranged from my brother and sister and feel they treated me badly. But I still love them. I never considered stopping loving them. I hate what they did to me, but wish we could all come together and talk things out. But no matter what, I still love and want them to get the best out of life. I made a covenant with God to love my ex. I may not be able to romantically love her, but now I love her as family. And like I said earlier, my ex and I disagree on what constitutes a family post-divorce.
  • Megan Fox says her ‘body aches’ from the weight of men’s ‘sins’ while announcing new poetry book
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