Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, January 31, 2023

  • The kids were let out of school early yesterday because of the wintry weather. Later, it was announced school would be closed the next day, but they sent home school work. Since there’s no school, I let the kids stay up later than usual. I went to bed early, but woke up after around 10:30 pm, and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. To my surprise, BoyGeeding, the fifth-grader, was at the kitchen table working on all his assignments for the next day. He said he wasn’t tired and just wanted to get it out of the way. I told him how proud I was of him, that he’s a self-starter and takes initiative, and many people don’t have that quality. It was a real tender moment for me as a father, one I wish I could share with his mother, to celebrate out child together. But, she prefers no communication regarding that stuff.
  • The wintry/icy weather is a trigger for my PTSD. Remember, she left me and took the kids unexpectedly the day the big winter storm hit us two years ago.
  • ‘Muslims love Jesus’ billboards pop up around TexasIslamic education center GainPeace put up the billboard to encourage inter-faith dialogue on Islam and Christianity.
    • The organization has put up billboards with other messages across the country explaining the similarities between Islam and Christianity, which include both being monotheistic religions containing many of the same historical figures, like Adam, Abraham, Noah and Moses, and both religions’ central texts, the Bible and the Quran, including verses about Jesus and Mary.One billboard depicts Mary wearing a hijab with the slogan, “Blessed Mary wore the hijab. Will you respect it?” Another shows a picture of the Kaaba, a building in Saudi Arabia Muslims consider the holiest site in Islam, with the message, “Built by Abraham, dedicated to worship one God, annual pilgrimage by millions of Muslims.”
  • On a local church’s marquee, “Tweet others as you would like tweeted.”
  • I’m sure many of you have seen these commercials already – A $100 million campaign, “He Gets Us,” that promotes Jesus Christ and his teachings is set to showcase its ads during the Super Bowl. It’s funded by anonymous donors (conservatives) acting through a nonprofit linked to staunchly conservative causes, as CNN’s Tom Foreman reports.




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