Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, January 3, 2023

  • “And here I am still writing 2022 on all my blog posts.”
  • For me, 2021 was a year of survival. 2022, a year of rebuilding. I hope 2023 will be a year full of growth.
  • A long time ago, my brother, who I idolized, gave me some poor advice. He said when reading for pleasure, never read anything that’s fiction, read something that enhances the mind. Because of that advice, I’ve never read a book of fiction until last week. For me, biographies are easy to read and follow, but works of fiction are hard because I easily get lost keeping characters straight and understanding the plot and whatnot. All that to say, I found the following tidbit that I’ve been chewing on. I think about it on a grander scale than what you think it may be intended, I think about it regarding how I judge people when I first meet them or based off of just a few things I may know about their past. “But we all have a person we were and a person we are. It’s never a straight line between the two—and it’s certainly never a predictable one. Just because you read the first few chapters doesn’t mean you know everything that’s coming. Keep an open mind. If you’re lucky, there’s a plot twist.””
  • I learned that 97.1 “The Freak” was suppose to be “The FREQ.” As in, “the frequency”. But in focus groups, people kept calling it “the frek”.
  • A year and a half ago if you told me TCU would be playing in the national championship game and Gary Patterson would be coaching in Austin, I would have said that would be unimaginable. Makes me wonder where & what I’ll be doing a year and a half from now. Here’s hoping it’s something unimaginable.
  • I thought drone shows would replace fireworks. It looks like the two will just be blended.



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