Bag of Randomness for Wednesday, December 14, 2022

  • I think the nuclear fusion story isn’t getting enough coverage. There’s a good chance before I die, this achievement may power a car.
  • I can’t figure out what was stranger, a tornado in December or a tornado in the morning. Strange times we live in.
  • I just found out that our state capitol now has a mall, as in a large yard just like our National Mall. It’s actually really pretty. Here’s a current video of the space, and here is the project’s website. I’ve always loved how our capitol hugs the campus of our state’s university.
  • The wording in that last sentence was designed to tick a lot of people off. And if it did, you are part of the problem.
  • A friend from church recently had both hips replaced for a second time. That’s one active lifestyle he has worn something like that out, twice. However, the socket has come out of place twice since surgery. I wonder what his doctor/surgeon can do about that.
  • I was always fond of my father’s signature.
  • I’ve posted about this before. Our house was broken into after a Christmas in the late Eighties. I remember coming home from Fort Worth late one evening with a brick and broken stained glass from our front door greeting us. Skippy, my first dog, a poodle, was locked in a closet. The police report cracks me up. They reference every person by at least their first and last name, while only my father was referred to as simply “Mr. Geeding.” He just had that stature and that’s what everyone in our small town called him. I can only recall one person calling my father by his first name, and that was weird. Well, other than the handful of men around his age who served with him.
  • The person who broke into my home was a classmate. All he took was a video game I borrowed from another friend, Ten Yard Fight. Funny thing, despite him not owning a Nintendo, he left the Nintendo. He came by the next day with the game (with the cover all scratched up to disguise it) asking if I would play the game with him on my Nintendo. At the time, I didn’t realize it was the only thing missing from our house. Skippy couldn’t speak, but he gave me a big clue that this friend was guilty because that dog did something he never did. That friend was lying on the floor playing the game and Skippy just took a whizz on him. That was strange behavior for him. He never did it to anyone else. The next week at school, in wood shop of all classes, I confronted him about it. It was the first fight I ever started. I’m not sure how it started, but I was working on a football helmet, sanding it getting ready to stain it. I gripped in my right hand and hit him across his face with it. Our teacher, Homer Hensley, broke up our little skirmish. It was the first and only time I was sent to the principal’s office for disciplinary reasons. Despite starting the fight, I didn’t get punished, though my friend did. Maybe he provoked me and instigated it. I can’t remember. I don’t have the game anymore, but I still have the Nintendo.
  • Skippy was named by my brother after the Skipper in Gilligan’s Island. Everyone called him Skip of Skippy, but my brother only referred to the dog as Skipper. I remember taking a New Testament class during my first summer semester in college. The night before the final, Dad called and told me Skippy had died. We had a pool in the back yard, and he fell into it. To my knowledge, that was the only time he was ever in the pool. He had a bad heart, and about twenty-minutes after Dad or Mom rescued him from the pool, it gave out. Dad tried CPR, cuffing his hand to blow in his snout, but his time had come. I came home the following weekend. It was strange walking into the house and not being greeted at the door by Skippy and his wagging tail. That’s when his death hit me. Rest in peace, Skip.
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