I caught another special on the moon landing. The son of the Soviet premier was interviewed and was asked where he was during the event. He said, “Of all places, at a river in Chernobyl.” As for news coverage, he said there was a small article on the first page of Pravda and then three columns on page five. Here’s another interview with him in which he goes into slightly more detail.
It doesn’t matter what CBS11’s Erin Jones is covering, I’m watching.
Oh, hello doldrums, welcome back.
I’m not sure why I don’t watch Songland on NBC, it seems like something I’d like – how a song comes to be from inspiration and formed into lyrics accompanied by instruments by collaboration. Also, I attended high school with one of the hosts and I’m really proud and happy for him.
I often hear pastors speak about the importance of having a child dedicate his or her life to Jesus before the age of fourteen, that statistically speaking, the likelihood of them being involved in the church after that age drops dramatically. There’s little doubt in my mind that stat is true. I understand their concern and get what they are saying, but the way the message has often come across (at least to me) is that the church has to reach children and youth when they are at their most vulnerable, least suspecting, and that the ability to reason, challenge, and question is a bad thing. I don’t think there’s a way I could word or phrase that in a manner that wouldn’t stir a hornet’s nest and offend. And, I tried like heck to write that last sentence without using two negatives. I know there are times it’s acceptable to have a double negative in a sentence, but I try to avoid it if possible.
The Coca-Cola product placement in the new season of Stranger Things is annoying.
This Jim Carrey deepfake of The Shining might be more disturbing than the film itself. Here’s a three-minute clip if you’re interested, but I actually like this GIF better.
These deep fakes mean everything is suspect now. Any video footage can be faked to the point where I can’t tell the difference. 🙁
About the doldrums, you might like Jenny Lawson’s books and blog at thebloggess.com. Some of it is NSFW, but I find her writing hilarious. Plus she is not afraid to detail her struggles with depression, etc.
Love the bullet point about the church and indoctrinating the child. The policy just doesn’t seem to ring true in light of New Testament stories that focused on “convincing” the hearts of the adults. Sure, we don’t keep the children from “coming to Jesus,” but I don’t think that has anything to do with common practice by the church today. Indeed, the child (under 14 per your bullet point) is not equal to the adult (brain development, maturity, etc.), so the practice/standard is less about freedom and more coercion. Hard to balance freedom and coercion in rearing children, but here’s to the children coming to Jesus, instead of being drug there, which probably serves as a great inoculation against truly coming to Jesus.
These deep fakes mean everything is suspect now. Any video footage can be faked to the point where I can’t tell the difference. 🙁
About the doldrums, you might like Jenny Lawson’s books and blog at thebloggess.com. Some of it is NSFW, but I find her writing hilarious. Plus she is not afraid to detail her struggles with depression, etc.
Wishing you the best 🙂
Love the bullet point about the church and indoctrinating the child. The policy just doesn’t seem to ring true in light of New Testament stories that focused on “convincing” the hearts of the adults. Sure, we don’t keep the children from “coming to Jesus,” but I don’t think that has anything to do with common practice by the church today. Indeed, the child (under 14 per your bullet point) is not equal to the adult (brain development, maturity, etc.), so the practice/standard is less about freedom and more coercion. Hard to balance freedom and coercion in rearing children, but here’s to the children coming to Jesus, instead of being drug there, which probably serves as a great inoculation against truly coming to Jesus.