Bag of Randomness for Monday, February 18, 2019

  • BoyGeeding turned seven-years-old on Saturday and had a Minecraft themed birthday party that WifeGeeding put together in the most imaginative and excellent of ways. Since a lot of the party occurred in our backyard, I was required to do yard work for the first time this year to spruce things up.
  • The popular toy with BoyGeeding and friends are Beyblade Burst top spinners. They use a plastic strand with alligator teeth to get them spinning in a plastic tub, the last one to stop spinning wins. Spinning tops seem like such an antiquated toy, but it’s neat to see how toy companies have made them cool again.
  • DaughterGeeding has a brave soul and I hope she doesn’t lose it. She and a friend entered their school’s talent show by writing their own rap song and performing it. It was an afterschool event and I’d say there were close to three hundred people in attendance when you include parents. She didn’t seem to be nervous. It cracked me up she asked for my sunglasses before we got out of the car.
  • That talent show was held inside a gymnasium. Sitting on bleachers for about two hours will test your back. It wasn’t easy but it gave me an idea of what additional muscles I need to strengthen.
  • Most people call today’s federal holiday as “Presidents Day”, but the official designation of the federal holiday observed on the third Monday of February is, and always has been, “Washington’s Birthday”. So, with Washington in mind, I thought I’d share this shower thought from Reddit – Due to coin flips, George Washington still makes decisions to this day.
  • – Sen. Angela Paxton files bill that would allow her husband, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, to issue exemptions from securities regulations
  • Florida – Inmate saves baby from locked SUV using his car theft skills
  • Not too long ago I mentioned Wade Phillips wearing his father’s old jacket. I guess old jackets are the new thing because Steph Curry recently pulled it off. I’m certain I had the same jacket. I wonder if he and his father had matching sets and his father kept his, or if he had it specially made.

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One Response to Bag of Randomness for Monday, February 18, 2019

  1. Bryan B. says:

    Saw a President’s Day article this morning that made me think of you: The Ringer dissecting the move Dave. I know you’ve mentioned liking that movie in the past. The story about how they worked out the scene where the “President” and First Lady are pulled over by the police is pretty priceless.

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