Bag of Randomness for Friday, August 25, 2017

  • I saw my neurologist yesterday to go over the results of my myelogram. He’s come to the conclusion spinal fusion of my L4 and L5 vertebrates would benefit me the most, especially since I’ve exhausted things like physical therapy and other non-surgical means. But unlike my orthopedic, he doesn’t think it’s emergent or will cause me any sudden loss of nerve damage or bladder control. If I don’t chicken out, I think I’ll have surgery in January. I’m putting it off until then for two reasons. I can’t afford the cost of it now, and January will mean my flexible spending account will be refunded. Also, putting it off allows me the chance to really consider all the benefits and consequences, and perhaps a third opinion or another option. So maybe I’m not necessarily putting it off, but just making sure I’m not making a rash decision. I will say, there have a been a couple times over the past month in which I wish I was already on the operating table.
  • Yesterday was meet the teacher day. BoyGeeding will be in kindergarten, and I think he has a bit of a crush on his teacher. DaughterGeeding is actually transferring schools, so this is a new adventure for her as well. Thankfully, both of our kids will be at the same school.
  • The majority of schools in my hometown were named after the founding fathers of Texas such as Houston, Lamar, Travis, Crockett, and Austin.  However, one school was named Robert E. Lee. For a long time, it had a black principal who later became our mayor. Current news events made me look up the school, and I must be totally out of the loop on my hometown news, but the school no longer seems to be operational. Lamar, my elementary school, is no longer operational but has been replaced with a new building but kept the name. It also looks like there’s a new junior high.
  • I can’t believe a man who filed a lawsuit demanding that Confederate flags be returned to his town’s main courthouse was dumb enough to say the following on camera:
    • “I don’t believe it’s a symbol of racism, I don’t believe it’s a symbol of slavery,” said Walker. “Hey, I go down the street, I see Martin Luther Coon… uh, I shouldn’t have said that… Martin Luther King. I mean, should I rip the signs down or insist they take Martin Luther King Street down or the rest of that stuff.”
  • I hope everyone understands why I selected the image at the top of today’s post.
  • Avoid at all costs if you suffer from coulrophobia – Alamo Drafthouse one-ups Wonder Woman whiners with clowns-only screening of It
  • This car was spotted in far north Dallas. Or as I like to tell my friend, Jimi, when he worked for a mutual fund company, Far Upper North Dallas – FUND.
  • Qantas challenges Boeing and Airbus to cross aviation’s ‘last frontier’ – Qantas has issued a challenge to the world’s largest plane makers: Build us a jet that can fly from Sydney to London or New York — without stopping.
  • Jay Thomas is dead. Every year I looked forward to the last Letterman show before Christmas for him to tell the traditional story of the time he gave the Lone Ranger a ride and for him and Dave to try to knock a giant meatball off the top of a Christmas tree. I especially got a kick out of the year Vinny Testaverde joined in on the fun and Thomas out-gunned him.

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4 Responses to Bag of Randomness for Friday, August 25, 2017

  1. Seymore says:

    Harvey was peaceful in the movie….

  2. John Mackovic says:

    – Harvey was my grandmother's favorite movie. I didn't get it when I was a kid, maybe I should watch it again.
    – I was from a small town, our three schools (Elementary, Jr. High, High) were named after the town.

    I wish you the best of luck with your back, hang in there!

  3. Bryan says:

    Holding a good thought for you on the back problems.

    The Jay Thomas-Letterman clip is great. I will forever remember him for his character's odd and untimely death on Cheers.

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