Cookie box that can only be opened with another person

I bet this is similar to what Trump would have to do to get the nuclear codes.

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2 Responses to Cookie box that can only be opened with another person

  1. Ben W. says:

    So I have to ask…what makes this a "cookie" box and not just a box? I get that keeping cookies in there would be good for a diet, but you could keep other stuff in there, too, right? (And I know you didn't title it that, the YouTube uploader did)

  2. df or ll says:


    Put the box on the floor.

    Pull the right tab out and place your right foot on top of the box to hold the latch open.

    Do the same with the left latch with your left foot.

    Reach down with one of your hands and pull the middle latch out.

    While holding all 3 latches out(2 feet, 1 hand) turn the knob on the top and pull up.

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