Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, September 20, 2016


  • WifeGeeding’s grandmother did it, she turned 100 today, but she didn’t get selected for the Today show’s Smucker’s segment. To be honest, she probably doesn’t have any idea it’s her birthday or her age, but she’s still feisty enough she “escaped” the facility not long ago sometime around midnight.
  • A plumber I am not. Installing a toilet should have only taken an hour, but took me about three or four times that amount. Perhaps I was too overly cautious, fearing cracking the porcelain. Someone gave me a great wax ring suggestion, and it helped a lot, so I had that going for me. And now the kids won’t stop going to the bathroom and are fighting who gets to use it first.
  • One of my favorite Bible riddles – How many of each animal did Moses take on the ark? … Moses wasn’t on the ark, it was Noah
    • I threw that in yesterday Bag of Randomness and only one person commented on it. I was waiting for someone to tell me how bad my biblical knowledge was and not get the joke.
    • I think the WWII version of that riddle is that line from Animal House (language warning)
      • What? Over? Did you say “over”? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!”
  • I’ve eaten an unsettling amount of SweetTARTS over the past three days. Imagine an unsettling amount, and then multiply that by four, and that’s the amount I’ve consumed. But here’s the thing, I only like the pink and purple ones. So I open a package, remove the ones I like, and toss out the ones I don’t like (minus a few I’ll give the kids).
  • Baylor is having a hard time moving on from the Art Briles era and the sexual assault scandal. Briles was in the stands and even got applause at the Rice game. Then, former Baylor defensive lineman Shawn Oakman, who was indicted on a sexual assault charge from his time in school, was inside the locker room after the game. Somebody should have been smart enough to know he shouldn’t be invited in the locker room. So much for a change of culture and a step in the right direction.
  • A BMW that actually transforms into a Transformer and can drive via remote control.
  • Twitter relaxes its character limitMedia attachments including images, GIFs, videos, and polls will no longer count against the 140-character limit. Neither will quote tweets, though if include a link to another tweet in your own that will count as normal.
  • Google’s Waze will now help you find the best parking spot
  • This was on the Reddit Front Page yesterday, and I quite enjoyed it despite it being a couple months old – Mark Hamill talks about his role in Force Awakens and the flaws of the movie.
  • How the world’s largest tropical theme park ended up inside a former Nazi airplane hangar
  • Do Bears Poop While They’re Hibernating?
    • And all the while, inside their bodies intestinal secretions and cells start to slough off and form a plug, which grows to about 7 to 15 inches long and 1 to 2-and-a-half inches in diameter.
    • While hibernating, bears don’t eat or drink (and therefore, don’t pee or poop), and their heart beats drop from 90 to 8 beats per minute. Their breathing decreases from six to 10 breaths per minute to one breath every 45 seconds.
  • Two more Alabama schools were on lockdown today after a social media posts and phoned-in threat warned “clowns” might show up at two Birmingham area schools.
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3 Responses to Bag of Randomness for Tuesday, September 20, 2016

  1. John Mackovic says:

    Knowing is half the battle.

  2. LB says:

    So, what was the wax ring tip? Don't be stingy.

    • Geeding says:

      Here's what one reader suggested: A trick to installing the toilet. The instructions on the wax seal will sometimes tell you to put it on the bottom of the toilet and lower it onto the hole. But it's better to put the seal seated properly on the hole and carefully lower the toilet onto the seal. The seal's connection to that hole is what keeps out leaks.

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