I get a weekly email from CareerBuilder telling me of jobs I might be interested in. There was one job in which the name of the company was misspelled and other than applying, there was no contact information. Despite not having any interest in it or even being sure if I was qualified, I applied for the sole reason of telling them of the typo or spelling error. The job was for a quality assurance position, so maybe they could appreciate my pointing it out.
A picture of DaughterGeeding breaking a board into three pieces by a kick that helped her earn a green belt yesterday.
CNN November 5, 2007 – In the Republican presidential race, Giuliani continues to be the leading candidate, with the backing of 28 percent of the Republican primary voters polled. Former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee was backed by 19 percent. Sen. John McCain of Arizona was the top pick of 16 percent, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had 11 percent.
CBS News October 2, 2003 – Wesley Clark receives the most support for the Democratic nomination, closely followed by Richard Gephardt, Joe Lieberman, Howard Dean and John Kerry.
REI will urge Black Friday shoppers to go outside instead October 26 – The front doors of REI stores are staying locked on the biggest shopping day of the year. “We think that Black Friday has gotten out of hand,” said Jerry Stritzke, CEO of the chain that specializes in outdoor and fitness gear.
We missed ‘Fargo’ last night, there was just too much going on. 🙁
However, I did catch ‘Supergirl’ and thought it was a fun show. I liked how Dean Cain played her father and her mother was Helen Slater, who played the character in the 1984 film. The casting of David Harewood who played a stingy government official in the show as well as one in ‘Homeland’.
Matthew McConaughey will host ‘SNL’ on November 21 with Adele as the musical guest, and I expect it to be the best show of the season.
– The job posting was probably done by some third-party recruiter out of India, I get emails and random phone calls from them all of the time.
– It's be great of McConaughey did some parody of Jim Carrey on SNL, but I can't think of anything he's done recently except push his girlfriend to suicide.
– I hope they never make another Indiana Jones movie, ever. And Raiders may be my all time favorite movie.
Fargo was fantastic. No spoilers, but I used to work for a paving company out of Minnesota. Makes me wonder now…
– The job posting was probably done by some third-party recruiter out of India, I get emails and random phone calls from them all of the time.
– It's be great of McConaughey did some parody of Jim Carrey on SNL, but I can't think of anything he's done recently except push his girlfriend to suicide.
– I hope they never make another Indiana Jones movie, ever. And Raiders may be my all time favorite movie.
Push his girlfriend to suicide? Wow, pretty irresponsible statement.