Welcome to the Concept of “So You Think You Can Preach?” This reality based television concept will be religiously based as the Creator of the show Pastors a church in Northwest Detroit. Bishop Cashma Bryan wants the show to help find the Ultimate non-licensed Preacher that received the calling but has not yet received an opportunity to Preach. The ages that can submit Video and Application will be from 16 to 35. Many people today think that they can Preach. Many Christians have dreams of becoming the next T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Eddie Long, Joel Osteen, or Joyce Meyer.
The goal of the show will be to provide a platform for the top individuals that think that they can Preach can show the television viewers whether they can Preach. Many can speak into a Microphone. But how many can inspire, change lives, and create that bond that is needed to have one turn their life around by the message that they will deliver during the Live Shows. So the audience targeted will be Christians that attend churches where the Bible’s Gospel message is Preached.
For more info, visit SoYouThinkYouCanPreachTVShow.com.
Hey, Rev Hart is from Michigan, here’s a chance for him to return home.
Uh…. no.