I had no idea that V8 now makes a protein shake, made with a blend of milk, soy, quinoa, brown rice, carrots, sweet potatoes, and pea proteins with cocoa and honey that will cost you $5.48 for a 10 fl oz four-pack.
On the next episode of ‘Mythbusters’, Adam and Jamie fly in a U2 plane and to the edge of space where you can see the curvature of the Earth.
Speaking of the curvature of the Earth, that reminds me of the time Jack Canfield, co-founder of Chicken Soup For The Soul, spoke at one of our chapel services in college. He encouraged us to write down ten goals, no matter how outlandish, that we want to accomplish in life. He gave an example of how he alway wanted to see the curvature of the Earth, and he was able to see it flying on a Concorde. It was then that I learned the plane actually cruised in the stratosphere. And in case you were wondering, the last Concorde flew well over a decade ago, November 26, 2003.
Bill Simmons and HBO sounds like the perfect marriage, it will be interesting to see what develops. The one person I’m surprised that never landed at the network is Keith Olbermann. He has a loyal following, just as opiniated and controversial as Bill Mauer, and as knowledgeable about sports as Bryant Gumbel.
If you ever watch any of the home improvement channels, you are familiar with Mike Holmes. The guy can come across as cocky, but he’s chalked full of knowledge and entertaining, and actually likable, it’s the Canadian in him I guess. He’s the host of a new reality home improvement contest show on Fox called ‘Home Free‘ which aired last night and I enjoyed it. Nine couples compete in home renovation challenges to win their dream home. Each week they are challenged to revive one run-down home for a deserving family. The couple that is eliminated is taken away from the remaining contestants but then are informed the house they just renovated is now their new home.
While watching ‘Key and Peele’ last night, I noticed one of them was wearing a shirt one of my closest friends used to wear in college, so I snapped a pic and sent it to me. He stated he bought it at the County Seat, which was a store in Ridgemar Mall I haven’t thought about in decades.
Sonic Drive-In (Facebook) – All American Hot Dogs & Chili Cheese Dogs ONLY $1 All Day July 23rd
I thought I knew almost every obscure fact about the Kennedy assassination but here’s a new one from this excerpt from the new book Under This Roof by Paul Brandus. One the day of the assassination, the Oval Office was re-decorated with deep plush, blood red colored rug, something Mrs. Kennedy picked out. The public never saw the redecorated office, although Mrs. Kennedy did get see it for a few moments. Some of the administration feared the redecoration would make it appear as if they knew a new president was coming in.
One of the more popular links on Reddit yesterday was his 20-year-old video posted three years ago. A fan got a press pass for a Cavs/Bulls game and videotaped some locker room scenes with Michael Jordan along with a lot of courtside footage. You get to hear Phil Jackson yelling a lot, talk between players, and see how Jordan shuts up a heckler (GIF).
A 1906 picture of Mineral Wells from the East “Mountain”. The “famed” Hexagon House/Hotel can be seen from center-right. Here’s an article about it before it was torn down.
Gizmodo states, legally speaking, it’s not a good idea to shoot down your neighbor’s drone, or any drone. I figured by typing “legally speaking” it’s going to make all your lawyers actually click on the link.
Here’s a recent article about the AIDS awareness ribbon, which I haven’t seen or thought about in forever.
If I had to guess, Olbermann hasn't found a place at HBO because he's gotten sideways with someone high in the chain of command there. He is notoriously difficult to work with, and has a pretty widespread reputation for being a terrible person.
The Kenny Loggins story reminds me of the episode of Modern Family where Claire hires Edward Norton (playing the fictional bass player for Spandau Ballet) to play in their living room for Phil. Edward Norton and Ty Burrell both play their roles so incredibly well that you could feel the awkwardness oozing from the screen, which of course just made it that much more hilarious to watch.
I don't know much about aviation law, but you got me – I clicked. Our neighborhood has a community page on Facebook, and several people have talked about seeing drones and wanting to shoot them down. I'm thinking that might not be a great idea, but I'm not going to be the one to tell the redneck with a gun that.
Re: U2 ride on Mythbusters… Those two guys work at a dream job. I would love to do what they do.
Re:i09 article on disasters… it was kind of a strange list. The invasion of Canada during the war of 1812 was a great start. But then went pretty strange from their on. Like many, many articles on the gawker chain of websites the Comments proved much more valuable than the article.
Bonus Question… please tell us where you found that pic? Backstory?
Who!? Who refuses to think about the AIDS ribbon!?
If I had to guess, Olbermann hasn't found a place at HBO because he's gotten sideways with someone high in the chain of command there. He is notoriously difficult to work with, and has a pretty widespread reputation for being a terrible person.
The Kenny Loggins story reminds me of the episode of Modern Family where Claire hires Edward Norton (playing the fictional bass player for Spandau Ballet) to play in their living room for Phil. Edward Norton and Ty Burrell both play their roles so incredibly well that you could feel the awkwardness oozing from the screen, which of course just made it that much more hilarious to watch.
I don't know much about aviation law, but you got me – I clicked. Our neighborhood has a community page on Facebook, and several people have talked about seeing drones and wanting to shoot them down. I'm thinking that might not be a great idea, but I'm not going to be the one to tell the redneck with a gun that.
" Some of the administration feared the redecoration would make it appear as if they knew a new president was coming in."
Okay, so then it was a conspiracy, right?
Re: U2 ride on Mythbusters… Those two guys work at a dream job. I would love to do what they do.
Re:i09 article on disasters… it was kind of a strange list. The invasion of Canada during the war of 1812 was a great start. But then went pretty strange from their on. Like many, many articles on the gawker chain of websites the Comments proved much more valuable than the article.
Bonus Question… please tell us where you found that pic? Backstory?
Sorry, I don't know the backstory on the pic. I found it long ago and filed it away to use later, I thing I found it on Imugr.
Yeah, that was a terrible list. How could the Bay of Pigs be on there? The military wasn't even involved!