While I wait for delivery for my new lawn mower battery, I thought it would be a good time to sharpen the blade. To my surprise, I found a local place that will do it for just eight bucks, which I think is beyond reasonable.
I don’t know much about hip replacement surgery, but I was surprised to see Jerry Jones walking around training camp yesterday after his surgery on back on July 21.
Our former governor has challenged Trump to a pull-up contest – “Let’s get a pull-up bar out there and let’s see who can do the most pull-ups,” said Perry, once an Air Force captain, when asked by a reporter if he had any message for Trump.
I’m just not an outdoors person and hunting isn’t for me, but I don’t have any issue with those that do hunt responsibly. The dentist that’s in the news for shooting a protected lion in Zimbabwe is stating that he thought he was doing everything legally, and pointed the blame at the local professional hunter guides and is claiming ignorance that he didn’t know they lured the lion from protected land by tying a dead animal to a vehicle and driving to unprotected land. But the dentist, Walter Palmer, has a shaky past that includes sexual harassment and “In 2008, he faced prison time and eventually was placed on probation after admitting to making a false statement to a federal agent in connection with his hunt of a black bear in Wisconsin. Palmer shot a black bear in 2006 about 40 miles outside the zone where he was licensed to hunt, and then lied about it to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife agent, claiming he shot it in the correct zone. Palmer was ordered to pay $2,938 in restitution and was placed on probation for one year, court records show.”
GIF – Tug-of-war between one horse (a Belgian horse, I think) and about 20 humans.
My father would often say, “Holy mackerel kingfish.” It wasn’t until after his death that I learned it came from Amos ‘n’ Andy, and that it was actually, “Holy mackerel, Kingfish.”
DaughterGeeding has long been aware that her mother has a glass eye, but for several reasons, WifeGeeding has held out removing it in front of her. However, yesterday DaughterGeeding asked her mother to remove it, and she obliged. I recorded the moment if you are interested in how a mother would talk to her five-year-old about such a thing. If you are sensitive about such a thing, the camera is far enough away that you can’t see any detail of the eye or the ocular cavity.
I had a friend that was a pastor’s kid, and his father would burn the SI swimsuit issue and allow him to watch Spaceballs only with the volume turned off. He was also barred from watching any Rated-R movies, until Oliver Stone’s JFK hit theaters because it was “educational”. I don’t think he did much research about the film, but then again, that was before the Information Super Highway was at our fingertips.
Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin was the guest on ‘The Daily Show’ last night to plug her latest book which is about LBJ. Oddly, I think it’s only going to be an e-book. She mentioned that it was LBJ who encouraged Nixon to have a tape recording machine in the Oval Office because it would be hard to recall things and remember what frame of mind you were in twenty or so years after an event, and this would be important for U.S. history.
Kearns has an interesting history with LBJ. She was a White House Fellow during his administration and involved in the anti-Vietnam war movement. She wrote an article which laid out a scenario for his removal from office regarding his conduct of the war which appeared in the New Republic, and she was later assigned to the Department of Labor. After his presidency, she lived at his ranch and helped (some say ghostwrote) with his memoirs.
Rick Springfield was a guest on Kimmel last night and participated in a funny recorded skit about the origin of “Jessie’s Girl” in which he dressed up like he was in 1981 again. In the skit, his drummer is named Jessie and his girlfriend is there when Rick comes up with a new song, and Jessie doesn’t handle it well.
Christina Applegate was also a guest on Kimmel and a clip of her chugging an entire pitcher of beer in the new Vacation movie played. She admitted that in reality the pitcher was empty and the beer was just CGI. Is nothing sacred any more?
There’s a news story going around about a man who cut off his own manhood to stop pleasuring himself and many are falling for it, but it’s fake, so don’t you fall for it.
Thanks for sharing the video with WifeGeeding & DaughterGeeding. That was informative for both DaughterGeeding and for me, as I had no idea how that worked. My favorite part, though, was right at the beginning: "You understand that not everybody can do this, right?" Translation for non-parents: "Don't go trying to pull other peoples' eyes out, okay?"
I guess it's a bit easier to sharpen an electric mower blade because you don't have to drain the oil and gas out before flipping it over.
I'm thinking about getting one of them but I am waiting for Plano to bring back the lawn mower exchange program, where they gave you $150 to buy an electric mower if you gave them your old one.
Re: Mower blades. If you don't have a grinder, buy a grinding stone bit for your drill. Costs under $10 and you get dozens of sharpenings out of it.
Re:Batmobile. On the 60's TV show the Batmobile had a support crew in a van that did things like pick up the drag chutes after a Bat-Turn. They didn't show them much, never explained who they were or where they came from. I assume they were plot devices to tie up loose story ends (like Bat-chutes left in the middle of the highway) and were Wayne Enterprises employees.
"Trophy" hunting isn't a sport. It's just plain old cruelty. You should eat the game you hunt and only kill varmints/predators preying on to your stock. They aren't just living arcade targets you get to hang on the wall. I have 1 trophy mounted and it's the 1st deer I shot. It was eaten and he was very tasty, too.
"Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin was the guest on ‘The Daily Show’ last night to plug her latest book which is about LBJ. "
Kearns Goodwin also mentioned that the first primary [1912?] was so nasty that it was decided to go back to the old convention system: the convention nominates in the summer and then the election campaign only lasts two months. She said if she was younger she would devote herself to an amendment that would negate Citizens United. I was happy to observe she the audience agreed with her that the Citizens United case is ruining the democratic process.
I understand in England television campaign commercials are not allowed and the election process only lasts 60 days. I feel certain that would improve upon our circus atmosphere here and spare us from endless months of negative political ads.
On hip replacement, my father had it about ten years ago and they had him up and walking about 18 hours after the surgery. He went home the next day. I was amazed.
My grandmother had it about 30 years ago and it was not like that at all. She was in the hospital for several days and had problems with her hip for a long time. It's amazing how medical technology has improved. I hope if ever need that, it will be more like Dr. McCoy in Star Trek. (Just wave an amazing medical tool over me and it's fixed!)
Re: Christina Applegate story and the CGI beer story…that's so disappointing. I don't think I can believe anything that Hollywood is going to throw at us anymore.
Thanks for sharing the video with WifeGeeding & DaughterGeeding. That was informative for both DaughterGeeding and for me, as I had no idea how that worked. My favorite part, though, was right at the beginning: "You understand that not everybody can do this, right?" Translation for non-parents: "Don't go trying to pull other peoples' eyes out, okay?"
I guess it's a bit easier to sharpen an electric mower blade because you don't have to drain the oil and gas out before flipping it over.
I'm thinking about getting one of them but I am waiting for Plano to bring back the lawn mower exchange program, where they gave you $150 to buy an electric mower if you gave them your old one.
Regarding the mower blade, it's that price if I remove the blade and only bring it in. It's more expensive to bring in the entire mower.
Re: Mower blades. If you don't have a grinder, buy a grinding stone bit for your drill. Costs under $10 and you get dozens of sharpenings out of it.
Re:Batmobile. On the 60's TV show the Batmobile had a support crew in a van that did things like pick up the drag chutes after a Bat-Turn. They didn't show them much, never explained who they were or where they came from. I assume they were plot devices to tie up loose story ends (like Bat-chutes left in the middle of the highway) and were Wayne Enterprises employees.
"Trophy" hunting isn't a sport. It's just plain old cruelty. You should eat the game you hunt and only kill varmints/predators preying on to your stock. They aren't just living arcade targets you get to hang on the wall. I have 1 trophy mounted and it's the 1st deer I shot. It was eaten and he was very tasty, too.
"Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin was the guest on ‘The Daily Show’ last night to plug her latest book which is about LBJ. "
Kearns Goodwin also mentioned that the first primary [1912?] was so nasty that it was decided to go back to the old convention system: the convention nominates in the summer and then the election campaign only lasts two months. She said if she was younger she would devote herself to an amendment that would negate Citizens United. I was happy to observe she the audience agreed with her that the Citizens United case is ruining the democratic process.
I understand in England television campaign commercials are not allowed and the election process only lasts 60 days. I feel certain that would improve upon our circus atmosphere here and spare us from endless months of negative political ads.
On hip replacement, my father had it about ten years ago and they had him up and walking about 18 hours after the surgery. He went home the next day. I was amazed.
My grandmother had it about 30 years ago and it was not like that at all. She was in the hospital for several days and had problems with her hip for a long time. It's amazing how medical technology has improved. I hope if ever need that, it will be more like Dr. McCoy in Star Trek. (Just wave an amazing medical tool over me and it's fixed!)
Re: Christina Applegate story and the CGI beer story…that's so disappointing. I don't think I can believe anything that Hollywood is going to throw at us anymore.