DaughterGeeding is having a Little Mermaid themed birthday party. WifeGeeding made these sandwiches pic.twitter.com/563jWKk31k
— BagOfNothing (@bagofnothing) May 31, 2015
- DaughterGeeding turned five-years-old yesterday. It’s cliche but the older you get the more it hits ya, but time flies by. I hope I haven’t done too much to scar he for life.
- About an hour before the party I was asked by WifeGeeding to pick up the cake at the grocery store. While at the grocery store she asked if I could stop by and pick up something at Costco. She must have sent me about eight-teen texts during that time asking me to pick up this and that.
- My main job for the party, other than being a gopher, was to take pictures and operate the pinata.
- DaughterGeeding’s eleven-year-old cousin from the Austin area is staying with us for a few days. She’s never been to Bruam’s and her favorite fast food place to eat is Subway.
- Buzzfeed – This Dad Is Calling Out Every Parent Who Humilates Their Kid Online As Punishment – “Good parenting starts before he even gets to the point of being out of control.”
- That hug they shared on stage was touching – Buzzfeed – A Cop Who Had To Tell A Teen His Parents Had Been Killed Showed Up At His Graduation – Kazzie Portie’s parents were killed by a drunk driver less than a week before his graduation ceremony.
- ‘Game of Thrones’ -We finally got the big battle we’ve been waiting for.
- I’ve been referencing Christian author and blogger Matthew Paul Turner’s writing on the issue at local megachurch, The Village Church, about the woman who was seeking an annulment from her child porn addicted missionary husband, and how the church was citing she needed to abide by the church contract and submit to their elders. Turner is now writing for the Daily Beast, which after the merger with Newsweek, is now part of The Newsweek Daily Beast Company. I only mention all that to say despite local media ignoring the story, it’s getting more attention from national organizations (like Christianity Today). It’s obvious his story in The Daily Beast is weighted in favor for the woman and the protection of children, but it’s pretty detailed. If there’s one thing I’m a bit torn about, it’s the part when the woman stated she was upset when the church sent a membership wide email stating the couple were sent back and didn’t specifically state the nature of the sin, “Unfortunately, in the midst of pressures, difficulty, and spiritual warfare… it has become evident that there are some sin issues that Jordan is dealing with that require him to return home.” Part of me feels that’s just trying to embarrass him as much as possible, but part of me feels that parents of the church have the right to know since he’s been left alone with children of the church in the past, though there were no reported incidents.
- Apple 1 computer worth $200K left at recycling centre
- Vice President Joe Biden might be a goofball politician, but I really feel for him regarding the passing of his son, Beau. During Christmas day in 1972, a car crash killed Biden’s first wife and an infant daughter and badly injured Beau. Beau went on to become the Delaware attorney general and serve as a major in the Delaware Army National Guard as a member of the Delaware Army National Guard as a Major in the Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps, and was even deployed to Iraq.
- I caught the final episode of Bob Schieffer as host of CBS’ ‘Face the Nation’. I think it went just as he wanted, a little bit of him recognizing his career, but done with little emotional fanfare. To be honest, I was hoping for the latter.
- @darrenrovell – What’s left of Candlestick Park
- Rick Warren pays tribute to ‘calm and kind Christian’ U2 manager Dennis Sheehan
- U2 Play Old Hits, Share Stories at Thrilling 500-Capacity Roxy Gig
- ‘Halt and Catch Fire’ launched their second season last night on AMC. Remember, it’s set in early 80’s Dallas. They had a Dallas reporter named Chip Rowlett, no doubt a bit of a hat-tip to Chip Moody and Tracy Rowlett. Braum’s was also mentioned twice.
- Tesla loses fight with dealers to sell its cars in Texas
- An interview with a Google Street View driver
- ‘Daredevil’ on Netflix is really good, especially the fight scenes.
I started Daredevil, and am up to episode 4. I agree that the fight scenes are generally really good. Of course, it helps that several of them have been in the dark. 🙂 I was surprised by how bloody/gory the show is (e.g., the way Fisk deals with one of the Russian brothers). But I think I remember reading that, with the Netflix series, Marvel is going for a grittier, more real-world feel, especially since we're not watching heroes with god-like superpowers. I like it so far, and can't wait to see where it goes.
Daredevil is AWESOME! 😀