While watching the NBA Finals, WifeGeeding saw LeBron James and asked if he got hair plugs because he’s no longer wearing his headband. Gosh, sometimes I just totally adore that woman.
We saw a commercial for Sprite that said it was “LeBron’s Mix”, which was some kind of fruity flavor, but we were confused when LeBron said it was created by Spike Lee. So LeBron’s Mix was created by Spike Lee? It’s like LeBron is outsourcing his work or something.
My Chromebook finally died on me yesterday. You can thank it for many, many blog posts. May it rest in peace.
After paying my respects to the old Chromebook I decided to use my $200 Best Buy gift card to buy a new laptop. There were two that I was on the fence on, so when I finally chose the one I wanted, they couldn’t find any in stock after ten minutes of looking. I asked if I could have one of the two display models, but they said they could only sell those if the model was discontinued. I wasn’t in the mood to drive 15-minutes to the nearest Best Buy, so I asked for my second choice. Despite their system saying they had two in stock, it took about 15-minutes for them to find one of them.
I went to the doctor yesterday and left with five prescriptions. For some reason, my blood pressure has never really been an issue but over the last year it has skyrocketed. I was prescribed a blood pressure medication two months ago, but it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, so now the dosage will double.
To the lab tech or whatever your title is that works at the drive-thru window at the pharmacy – a little eye contact when you are being spoken to wouldn’t hurt.
Way back when I heart stop signs on private property, like in a grocery store parking lot, are not enforceable. I have no idea if that’s true.
In this dashcam video, you see the driver of a truck point a gun at the driver of the black car around the 1:10 mark while on 75 in Dallas. Sadly, there were times I wish I could have done what the truck driver did, which shows there’s still a lot of growing up I need to do.
This is surprising, but Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig will star in a Lifetime movie later this month. I never thought I’d say this, but I’ll certainlly be watching Lifetime later this month.
@ThisisArchives – Really creepy PEP scan: jaw of serial killer/Army vet Jeffrey Dahmer (“Milwaukee Cannibal”)
I have only one episode left to watch of the first season of ‘Daredevil’ on Netflix. It had a darker and grittier tone than other Marvel movies, and I found it quite appealing.
I don't know, looks like the truck was the aggressive one in the video we have. I'm sure there's more to it that we don't see, but from what we do see, the Altima needed to be the one with the gun.
Thanks for continuing to bring it, Geedmanster. From the 50 best Country Albums per Rolling Stone to how to wipe, you’re awesome factor. By the way, I was taught a different posture in wiping as a 5th grader that forever changed me. My cousins taught me to go under — as opposed to around and behind (all while sitting), and I propose this more “feminine” method is vastly superior. [Details: if male, go under the scrotum to the rectum, wipe and release.]. Anybody who doesn’t believe it’s superior to standing or wiping from around and behind doesn’t know this boy named Sue!
If the shooting had happened in Waco instead of College Station would every one at the party been taken to jail and charged with murder.
I don't know, looks like the truck was the aggressive one in the video we have. I'm sure there's more to it that we don't see, but from what we do see, the Altima needed to be the one with the gun.
Thanks for continuing to bring it, Geedmanster. From the 50 best Country Albums per Rolling Stone to how to wipe, you’re awesome factor. By the way, I was taught a different posture in wiping as a 5th grader that forever changed me. My cousins taught me to go under — as opposed to around and behind (all while sitting), and I propose this more “feminine” method is vastly superior. [Details: if male, go under the scrotum to the rectum, wipe and release.]. Anybody who doesn’t believe it’s superior to standing or wiping from around and behind doesn’t know this boy named Sue!
Try it for yourself,