It’s always bugged me that Lincoln is facing in the opposite direction of all he other coin profiles, and that’s probably the main reason why the penny will be retired one day.
Last night’s thunder set off a car alarm that sounded like it was from 1994.
I’m still trying to figure out what I actually think about Tina Fey’s dress bit on ‘The Late Show’ last night.
Deadline – Jimmy Kimmel has announced he will run a repeat of his ABC late-night show Jimmy Kimmel Live the night of David Letterman’s final Late Show broadcast, out of respect for his idol. – The reminds me of when Comedy Central ran this message during Carson’s last show, “watching Johnny Carson’s last show and so should you.” But Kimmel is not your average Letterman fan. When he had Dave as a guest on his show, he showed pictures when he was young of when he had a vanity plate that said “L8 NITE” and the Late Night-themed cake at his 18th birthday party.
I bet Leno makes a surprise appearance, as opposed to a announced one, on Letterman before the final show. Leno doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy that wants to steal the spotlight or take any attention away from Dave during his swan song, so a surprise appearance seems most likely.
The new Google building is trying to be different by doing away with doors, having unconventional walls, stairs, and roofs, and will have an artificial sky.
Lincoln faces right because the image is based on a plaque in which he was facing right. If I had to guess, the penny will be phased out because it costs much more to produce than it's worth. Same thing with the nickel.
That Agent Carter news it the best thing I've read today! Another little nugget in that article: a Muppets series! Supposedly it will be filmed documentary style, like the Muppets meets The Office. I can't wait.
I have to admit – I had no idea what "Asian glow" was and had to look it up.
That article made me like James Franco more. He wasn't afraid to work, and he's not going to pretend to be better than he is/was. Good for him.
I think/hope you're right about Leno, that he makes an appearance on Dave's show. Just as Johnny sat down, briefly, at the host desk, I think Jay would not stay long, just as you said.
Wouldn't mind seeing the two collaborate on a future project.. Dave's assessment was apropos: Guys their age can no longer fake being hip. Fallon is genius, and will probably rule late night for the next decade anyway. But I think there remains a market for folks like me who grew up watching Carson, that Dave & Jay could possibly address.
I think Lincoln is facing the opposite direction b/c he was assassinated while in office.
The left side of his head has a big chunk missing?
I've heard this before, but Kennedy faces opposite of Abe.
Lincoln faces right because the image is based on a plaque in which he was facing right. If I had to guess, the penny will be phased out because it costs much more to produce than it's worth. Same thing with the nickel.
That Agent Carter news it the best thing I've read today! Another little nugget in that article: a Muppets series! Supposedly it will be filmed documentary style, like the Muppets meets The Office. I can't wait.
I have to admit – I had no idea what "Asian glow" was and had to look it up.
That article made me like James Franco more. He wasn't afraid to work, and he's not going to pretend to be better than he is/was. Good for him.
I think/hope you're right about Leno, that he makes an appearance on Dave's show. Just as Johnny sat down, briefly, at the host desk, I think Jay would not stay long, just as you said.
Wouldn't mind seeing the two collaborate on a future project.. Dave's assessment was apropos: Guys their age can no longer fake being hip. Fallon is genius, and will probably rule late night for the next decade anyway. But I think there remains a market for folks like me who grew up watching Carson, that Dave & Jay could possibly address.