While watching that slow speed chase end with the SWAT vehicle using the PIT maneuver yesterday, I was left wondering who pays for the damage to the SWAT mobile. I’m sure the taxpayer is stuck with the bill if the driver has no insurance, but if he happened to have insurance, I’m guessing his insurance company would pay for the damage.
Because of that slow speed chase, it was the first time in a very long team the local news didn’t lead with a weather related story.
There’s been a lot of talk as of late with the police having militarized weapons and supplies. I have no problem with large cities having the SWAT vehicle we saw yesterday.
Things I learned about our local landfill from this article – (1.) It’s wholly located in the city limits of Lewisville but is owned by Flower Mound. (2) It was originally owned by Highland Park.
WifeGeeding did a real sweet thing yesterday. We were in the checkout line at Wal-Mart when a mother of three came up short on cash for her groceries. Being the lovely woman she is, WifeGeeding purchased the remaining groceries for her.
I’ve watched a few episodes of ‘Daredevil’ on Netflix and so far I like it, but it seems a bit slow as if they are working on a character development and a good plotline. Rosario Dawson is part of the cast, at one time she attended high school in Garland. The fight scenes are pretty impressive.
My family in Vietnam got word of all the flooding in Texas and called to make sure we were safe. Those conversations are always touching because their English is poor, but love in the sound of their voices make up for it.
I’m still trying to adjust me new evening routine, and I know it will only get worst. For the longest time, I’ll watch Stewart and then Letterman. Now I can only watch Stewart, and that won’t last much longer.
Pop-culture items I’ve strongly committed at least a decade to – David Letterman, Jon Stewart, U2, ‘The Simpsons’, ‘SNL’
Here’s another blog post, which goes into great detail about the split with The Village Church and the woman who is being placed under formal church discipline, despite resigning her membership before the discipline which they didn’t acknowledge, over her annulment from her husband after she found his child pornography materials. It’s worth noting that blog post is supportive of the woman and any possible victims of child molestation. Actually, that blog post was referenced in something I previously posted, but I just took the time to read it and discovered one of my college pastors is heavily referenced. I was quite surprised to see that the former husband is still a licensed therapist and hasn’t been submitted to any formal discipline and the access he had to children from all across the country from where he lived. There are a lot of things about this particular incident in which I’m still sorting out in my head when it comes to church doctrine and personal safety for the woman, as well as legal implementations, but I do feel the moment she formally resigned and left the church, they should have let her peacefully go on her way, the continued contact is harassment.
The Village leadership is living inside a bubble of doctrine and belief which makes them blind. They feel as though they have God on their side, so whatever anyone says about their authoritarian model falls on deaf hears within. It evidences a great lack of humility on their part and the opposite of a life/lives following Jesus.
The Matt Chandler tirade on anonymous criticism (http://alvinreid.com/?p=1073#sthash.im3UWiQT.dpuf) makes all the sense in the world in Chandler's world of power. Sometimes for the truth to be spoken to that power, it must come in anonymous ways; otherwise, it can easily be identified and shutdown by the power. Can anonymous criticism be abused — most definitely it can and often is. But it can be done responsibly allowing the heart of those sincere ones to be guarded in coming against the power.
Many thanks for Amy Smith's well done blog post, and for pointing it out BON.
Intentional acts (ramming) or damage caused in the commission of a felony (running from the cops) are exclusions on almost any insurance policy. So the taxpayers get to keep paying for the ever-increasing militarization of police forces. Our cops shoot more people in a week than UK police have shot in 100 years.
How did he avoid going to prison?
The Village leadership is living inside a bubble of doctrine and belief which makes them blind. They feel as though they have God on their side, so whatever anyone says about their authoritarian model falls on deaf hears within. It evidences a great lack of humility on their part and the opposite of a life/lives following Jesus.
The Matt Chandler tirade on anonymous criticism (http://alvinreid.com/?p=1073#sthash.im3UWiQT.dpuf) makes all the sense in the world in Chandler's world of power. Sometimes for the truth to be spoken to that power, it must come in anonymous ways; otherwise, it can easily be identified and shutdown by the power. Can anonymous criticism be abused — most definitely it can and often is. But it can be done responsibly allowing the heart of those sincere ones to be guarded in coming against the power.
Many thanks for Amy Smith's well done blog post, and for pointing it out BON.
Corrected link for above Chandler tirade: http://alvinreid.com/?p=1073#sthash.BZi4D66O.dpuf
Intentional acts (ramming) or damage caused in the commission of a felony (running from the cops) are exclusions on almost any insurance policy. So the taxpayers get to keep paying for the ever-increasing militarization of police forces. Our cops shoot more people in a week than UK police have shot in 100 years.
How many cops died in the line of duty in the UK last year? Zero