It happens to me every year. I see a few weeds and decide I’ll just pull a few up and the next thing I know it’s been close to hour and I have a trash can full of weeds. Weeds are like Lay’s chips, you just can’t have one.
A while ago I mentioned that little by little, over a long period of time, I’ve scanned all my family photos and documents. I saved them on Dropbox because I’d rather have that stuff stored in the cloud rather than on a hard drive that could fail. Yesterday I found a large portion of those files gone and I was freaking out. Luckily, I stumbled upon a restore feature on Dropbox that allows you to undo deleted folders. Whew.
I always thought “The Search is Over” was sung by REO Speedwagon, but yesterday I learned it is actually sung by Survivor.
If I’m going on a roadtrip by myself, all I need is a collection of Eighties ballads to sing along to and get lost in the moment to make the time go by.
I can’t believe Senator Ted Cruz would even consider signing up for health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act after saying he wants to repeal “every word” of it. There are other means to get health insurance and still be in compliance, and he and his wife certainly have the money do so. Heck, out of principle he should avoid taking advantage of anything the law provides.
I recorded the PBS special ‘James Baker: The Man Who Made Washington Work’ last night and hope to watch it soon. He may be the most important modern “behind the scenes” guy Washington ever had.
A Washington State Trooper pulled over a man using a cardboard cutout of the Most Interesting Man in the World while driving in the HOV lane.
The Mavs are one hard to figure out.
Mo’ne Davis was the first female pitcher to throw a shutout in a Little League postseason, and somewhat recently a college baseball player sent an offensive tweet about her, and then he was kicked off his baseball team. It was cool to see her take the high road and reach out to his university and ask for him to be re-instated. Sadly, the cynic in me, thinks her PR team (a Disney movie is being made about her) orchestrated her response.
Afghanistan’s new president is visiting the U.S. and while at the Pentagon and at the White House he stated he wanted to thank the U.S. taxpayers and soldiers, and even laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. At first I was real appreciative of his words and actions, but then the cynic in me just thought it was smart politics on his part in hopes of keeping our soldiers around to help police things.
Letterman fans know that his longtime drummer is Anton Fig. Last night, Fig’s 12-year-old son helped play the drums with his old man. That made me smile.
A man got lost in Los Angeles because he thought the highway sign was poorly marked. So the man, an artist, updated the sign, and it stayed that way for eight years with no one noticing.
I’ve gone four days without any sugar, and have gone out of my way to avoid anything that could have hidden sugar in it.
Google is creating something called ‘Pony Express’ that will allow you to pay bills via GMail, and it will also allow you to forward bills to other GMail users (roommates, spouses, etc.) to split up the full balance.
Section 1312 of the Affordable Care Act requires that Members of Congress and designated congressional staff must obtain coverage by health plans created under the Affordable Care Act or coverage offered via an Affordable Insurance Exchange (Exchange)
"Cruz could go without insurance, or his family could get its coverage directly from an insurance company at what would likely be a far higher rate than is available via an exchange. Doing so would mean Cruz would not get the contribution from his employer to help offset the full cost of his coverage."…
When he was under his wife's plan, he was exempt from this part of the law, and could continue to be by other means. For instance, he and his wife could take advantage of COBRA and continue to be exempt.
But why should he? It's the only option available through his work. It's a simple choice, and he's following the law. As someone else has pointed out, if he disagrees with income tax law, should he refuse to pay income tax on principle? If he wanted to cut highway funding, should he only use back roads, on principle? If a person opposes a law or government regulation, should they disobey the law, or ignore a regulation? You're trying to apply a standard that you hold no other politician to.
Why should he? Well, simply because he's running for president and one major part of his platform is to "repeal every single word of Obamacare". If he's that strongly opposed to the law, then on principle alone as a presidential candidate he should do what he can to not be a part of it, be exempt from it, while still being within legal guidelines. As for the IRS, he doesn't pay the most tax that he has to, he takes advantages to be except from certain taxes as we all do. He should take advantage of what the law provides to circumvent it. GE avoided paying taxes several years ago to much criticism, but they were within the law and tax code when they did so. What I expect from any politician is for them to follow the laws as we do, even if they disagree with the law, and if there is a way for them to be legally exempt to take a stand against it, then they should do that out of principle. I hold politicians to a different standard. It's okay if you disagree with my line of thinking, but that's how I feel. And I appreciate you taking the time to let me understand your point of view as it broadens my view of things.
"On principle"? Have you held any other politician to that standard? On principle, Obama should have brought back every American soldier as soon as he was in office. On principle, he (and/or his Democrat congress) should have not raised the national debt several trillion dollars (given his criticism of Bush for increasing the debt.) Would you also argue that those who condemn the police should never, ever call the police when they need help. (They have other options which they should use, on principle.)
There's no arguing that it's a political liability, simply because of the irrational criticisms of it that his opponents try to push as reasonable. As an example, you use paying income tax. Democrats made a huge deal out of how much Romney paid/didn't pay in taxes, although everything he did was legal. It was an irrational criticism that dominated the national conversation. Morally, ethically, philosophically, Cruz's choice of insurance is a nonissue. It's only a "controversy" to those who oppose him politically.
I appreciate your courtesy, and I'll try not to abuse it.
I like to think I hold every politician to that standard, but I know I've made exceptions here and there. And I agree with almost every example you referenced. Both Bush43 and Obama have campaigned on things and fell short, and I've been left disappointed and feel sheepish for falling to rhetoric. But in this case, I'm not analyzing as someone that is opposed to Cruz (though it's no secret I am), I'm looking at it as if I was a campaign manager. I think it would be a lot more affective to rally the Republican base, especially the Tea Party, and to get some positive press, for him to say something along the lines that he's a law abiding citizen, and while staying within the law he's going to do everything he can to be exempt from the ACA because he opposes its moral fiber so much, even if it means spending more of his and his wife's personal income. I think the base would appreciate and rally behind a man standing on his principles.
To a lesser extent I do the same thing. I see the exact same laptop at both Best Buy and Frys, but even though Frys has a better price, they screwed me over once and out of principle I'll spend more money at Best Buy and buy it there to feel better about myself. I think people can relate to that, and from a campaign perspective, that's why I think Cruz should legally avoid the ACA as much as he can, even if it hurts his personal finances a bit.
I absolutely agree that as a political tactic it's a mistake. He should have foreseen that anything like this would get played up in the media. The fact that the swift and savage response caught them by surprise is much more worrisome. So is the fact that some knucklehead owns the rights to websites containing his name. It indicates that no matter how wonderful he might be as president, he might not prepared for the game he has to play (and win) to get there. It remains to be seen if he can adjust and beat the learning curve.
You're right, his wife is leaving her job and he's required to get health insurance by law, or he could pay a penalty, or there are other options in which his campaign staff has mentioned, such as COBRA. He has the option to be except from the law.
Boom. He could have gotten COBRA, and it's only for about five or six months until the next open enrollment period for his plan. He's so full of it his eyes are brown. His handlers have always been crazy and dependent on high core tea party turnout, but now they are just plain missing it. I still think Republicans are dumb enough to nominate him, but he'll get trounced in the general–if they don't feed on him until there's nothing left in the primary, anyway.
I thought Larry Wilmore had a great question about Cruz and the IRS on The Nightly Show last evening.
He showed a clip of Cruz calling for the elimination of the Internal Revenue Service. Then they showed a clip of Cruz saying "Imagine a nation with a flat tax, where you could fill out your taxes on a postcard."
Larry Wilmore: "Brilliant! But where will I send the postcard? Will we have some kind of service for handling all of that internal revenue?"
Me either. I really hope they don't go and ruin my childhood. Although it was kind of messed up anyway during season 8 and 9. And don't get me started on the second movie. Unless they can get the good writers / awesome quirky directors back as well, I don't have high hopes.
Section 1312 of the Affordable Care Act requires that Members of Congress and designated congressional staff must obtain coverage by health plans created under the Affordable Care Act or coverage offered via an Affordable Insurance Exchange (Exchange)
Per the Dallas Morning News
"Cruz could go without insurance, or his family could get its coverage directly from an insurance company at what would likely be a far higher rate than is available via an exchange. Doing so would mean Cruz would not get the contribution from his employer to help offset the full cost of his coverage."…
When he was under his wife's plan, he was exempt from this part of the law, and could continue to be by other means. For instance, he and his wife could take advantage of COBRA and continue to be exempt.
But why should he? It's the only option available through his work. It's a simple choice, and he's following the law. As someone else has pointed out, if he disagrees with income tax law, should he refuse to pay income tax on principle? If he wanted to cut highway funding, should he only use back roads, on principle? If a person opposes a law or government regulation, should they disobey the law, or ignore a regulation? You're trying to apply a standard that you hold no other politician to.
Why should he? Well, simply because he's running for president and one major part of his platform is to "repeal every single word of Obamacare". If he's that strongly opposed to the law, then on principle alone as a presidential candidate he should do what he can to not be a part of it, be exempt from it, while still being within legal guidelines. As for the IRS, he doesn't pay the most tax that he has to, he takes advantages to be except from certain taxes as we all do. He should take advantage of what the law provides to circumvent it. GE avoided paying taxes several years ago to much criticism, but they were within the law and tax code when they did so. What I expect from any politician is for them to follow the laws as we do, even if they disagree with the law, and if there is a way for them to be legally exempt to take a stand against it, then they should do that out of principle. I hold politicians to a different standard. It's okay if you disagree with my line of thinking, but that's how I feel. And I appreciate you taking the time to let me understand your point of view as it broadens my view of things.
"On principle"? Have you held any other politician to that standard? On principle, Obama should have brought back every American soldier as soon as he was in office. On principle, he (and/or his Democrat congress) should have not raised the national debt several trillion dollars (given his criticism of Bush for increasing the debt.) Would you also argue that those who condemn the police should never, ever call the police when they need help. (They have other options which they should use, on principle.)
There's no arguing that it's a political liability, simply because of the irrational criticisms of it that his opponents try to push as reasonable. As an example, you use paying income tax. Democrats made a huge deal out of how much Romney paid/didn't pay in taxes, although everything he did was legal. It was an irrational criticism that dominated the national conversation. Morally, ethically, philosophically, Cruz's choice of insurance is a nonissue. It's only a "controversy" to those who oppose him politically.
I appreciate your courtesy, and I'll try not to abuse it.
I like to think I hold every politician to that standard, but I know I've made exceptions here and there. And I agree with almost every example you referenced. Both Bush43 and Obama have campaigned on things and fell short, and I've been left disappointed and feel sheepish for falling to rhetoric. But in this case, I'm not analyzing as someone that is opposed to Cruz (though it's no secret I am), I'm looking at it as if I was a campaign manager. I think it would be a lot more affective to rally the Republican base, especially the Tea Party, and to get some positive press, for him to say something along the lines that he's a law abiding citizen, and while staying within the law he's going to do everything he can to be exempt from the ACA because he opposes its moral fiber so much, even if it means spending more of his and his wife's personal income. I think the base would appreciate and rally behind a man standing on his principles.
To a lesser extent I do the same thing. I see the exact same laptop at both Best Buy and Frys, but even though Frys has a better price, they screwed me over once and out of principle I'll spend more money at Best Buy and buy it there to feel better about myself. I think people can relate to that, and from a campaign perspective, that's why I think Cruz should legally avoid the ACA as much as he can, even if it hurts his personal finances a bit.
I absolutely agree that as a political tactic it's a mistake. He should have foreseen that anything like this would get played up in the media. The fact that the swift and savage response caught them by surprise is much more worrisome. So is the fact that some knucklehead owns the rights to websites containing his name. It indicates that no matter how wonderful he might be as president, he might not prepared for the game he has to play (and win) to get there. It remains to be seen if he can adjust and beat the learning curve.
Exactly, his wife is leaving her job and he's required by law to get health insurance.
I would like to also point out the hypocrisy of his calling for the abolition of the IRS while still paying taxes.
You're right, his wife is leaving her job and he's required to get health insurance by law, or he could pay a penalty, or there are other options in which his campaign staff has mentioned, such as COBRA. He has the option to be except from the law.
Boom. He could have gotten COBRA, and it's only for about five or six months until the next open enrollment period for his plan. He's so full of it his eyes are brown. His handlers have always been crazy and dependent on high core tea party turnout, but now they are just plain missing it. I still think Republicans are dumb enough to nominate him, but he'll get trounced in the general–if they don't feed on him until there's nothing left in the primary, anyway.
I thought Larry Wilmore had a great question about Cruz and the IRS on The Nightly Show last evening.
He showed a clip of Cruz calling for the elimination of the Internal Revenue Service. Then they showed a clip of Cruz saying "Imagine a nation with a flat tax, where you could fill out your taxes on a postcard."
Larry Wilmore: "Brilliant! But where will I send the postcard? Will we have some kind of service for handling all of that internal revenue?"
In other news, I don't have a lot of faith that the new X-Files episodes will be any good.
Me either. I really hope they don't go and ruin my childhood. Although it was kind of messed up anyway during season 8 and 9. And don't get me started on the second movie. Unless they can get the good writers / awesome quirky directors back as well, I don't have high hopes.