DaughterGeeding went to the dentist yesterday for a cleaning. There isn’t a kid in America that could have been more excited or happy.
I was surprised with UPS package this week which ended up being a Skupt body fat measuring device that you pair with your smartphone. After searching through my emails, it turns out I participated in a crowdfunding event about fifteen-months ago and totally forgot about it, but the device is pretty darn cool. Here’s a review from the Patriots website of all places.
It looks like the latest Christian trend for Good Friday is for parents to draw a red dot on their children’s hands and feet, in recognition or remembrance of the wounds caused by the nails that hung Jesus on the cross, with their name written over the dot. Examples are here and here. Those posts are from last year, but I hear more and more Christian parents are adopting the trend. I’m sad to say that over the years I’ve become a cynic and feel these acts are more of an attention getting device rather than a sincere act to honor their faith.
I actually read it for the article – Playboy has an intensive interview with former Vice President Darth Dick Cheney that ranges from politics, his church experience and faith, dad issues, and other interesting stuff. Here’s a tidbit about his thoughts on Bush 43 and his parents, which for some reason, stuck out to because I never picked up on it before – “You know, we always talked about how 43 was a lot more like his mother in terms of personality and so forth, with a quick wit and a sharp tongue on occasion.”
Some of my best memories of junior high was in woodshop class, especially when using the lathe.
Jimmy Kimmel is doing is show from Austin this week and last night he and Julia Louis-Dreyfus was doing a lot of whisky shots, and Kimmel started to slur words without acting. To prove it was real whisky he had a volunteer come up from the audience and once he saw the young lady was wearing braces, he had to ask her age. I sure hope she was of age like she said she was. Over on Letterman, Will Ferrell was dressed in an impressive leprechaun costume. I think he did something similar for Conan, but in speedos.
There’s a local commercial for a housing development in the McKinney and Frisco area from MainVue Homes. Their houses are modern and European looking, as if IKEA and Williams and Sonoma mated. In the commercial, the bottom of the screen says “from the $500’s to the $700’s” while the voice-over states “for the price of an ordinary home”. If ordinary homes cost that much, GeedingManor is in the slums.
Great picture of the day – that is such a wonderfully creepy episode of The Twilight Zone. I used to look forward to Memorial Day (maybe Labor Day?) weekend, because SyFy runs a Twilight Zone marathon. I'd load the DVR up with 8-10 episodes, and inevitably watch a few more live. But now the series is on Netflix, so I don't have to wait.
On that note – if you haven't watched Black Mirror yet (it's on Netflix), please do so ASAP. It's a next-generation Twilight Zone, and it presents some fascinating questions about the potential ramifications of our extensive use of technology. Plus, there are only 6 episodes available so far (plus a Christmas special starring Jon Hamm that I can't find available in the US yet), so you can plow through it pretty quickly. You may not want to binge watch, though. That could be a bit…unsettling.
The "red dot on the hand" thing could have well been today's dose of 'Murica. Matthew 6 seems to have a few recommendations as to how we should display our piety.
"I’ve become a cynic and feel these acts are more of an attention getting device rather than a sincere act to honor their faith."
You are in good company.
Matthew 6:5: When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
Matthew 6:6: Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
"Even secular people need time out to meditate, reflect, and give thanks. Is prayer the answer?"
I think I've mentioned it before, but you would really like two books by A.J. Jacobs. The first is The Year of Living Biblically, in which he spends a year trying to live the Bible literally. He's an agnostic Jew, but because the Bible says to pray he set aside time to pray every day. At the end of his year he wasn't a believer, but he gained respect for faith and prayer that he hadn't had before. He also found prayer to be very calming.
Personally, I'm a believer, but not in prayer.
The second book, given your fitness quest, would be The Year of Living Healthy. He spends a year examining the various fitness trends, and doing some of them. It's not quite as good as Biblically, but it's good.
Great picture of the day – that is such a wonderfully creepy episode of The Twilight Zone. I used to look forward to Memorial Day (maybe Labor Day?) weekend, because SyFy runs a Twilight Zone marathon. I'd load the DVR up with 8-10 episodes, and inevitably watch a few more live. But now the series is on Netflix, so I don't have to wait.
On that note – if you haven't watched Black Mirror yet (it's on Netflix), please do so ASAP. It's a next-generation Twilight Zone, and it presents some fascinating questions about the potential ramifications of our extensive use of technology. Plus, there are only 6 episodes available so far (plus a Christmas special starring Jon Hamm that I can't find available in the US yet), so you can plow through it pretty quickly. You may not want to binge watch, though. That could be a bit…unsettling.
The "red dot on the hand" thing could have well been today's dose of 'Murica. Matthew 6 seems to have a few recommendations as to how we should display our piety.
I left PCUSA years ago over their support of Palestinian terrorists
"I’ve become a cynic and feel these acts are more of an attention getting device rather than a sincere act to honor their faith."
You are in good company.
Matthew 6:5: When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
Matthew 6:6: Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.
"Even secular people need time out to meditate, reflect, and give thanks. Is prayer the answer?"
I think I've mentioned it before, but you would really like two books by A.J. Jacobs. The first is The Year of Living Biblically, in which he spends a year trying to live the Bible literally. He's an agnostic Jew, but because the Bible says to pray he set aside time to pray every day. At the end of his year he wasn't a believer, but he gained respect for faith and prayer that he hadn't had before. He also found prayer to be very calming.
Personally, I'm a believer, but not in prayer.
The second book, given your fitness quest, would be The Year of Living Healthy. He spends a year examining the various fitness trends, and doing some of them. It's not quite as good as Biblically, but it's good.
For the price of an ordinary home outside of Texas.