I’m not putting much effort into this post I’ve just finish all thirteen episodes of season three of ‘House of Cards’. It’s simply a phenomenal show and I love the ability to binge watch and get completely lost in a different world for a weekend.
I don’t know what happened, but something has caused all my scheduled posts for the last week to not post on time, but I think I may have fixed the problem.
That’s it, no more brisket for the rest of this month, it’s for the good of my heart. I succombed to eating at Hutchins BBQ again this weekend. The owner even recognized me and chatted my ear off.
While eating out the other night we ordered white milk for the kids, so when we were first handed this we thought they gave us chocolate milk.
A GIF of me jumping on a snow-topped trampoline feeling like I was ten-years-old and having the most fun I’ve had in decades.
It was really late one night this weekend, probably close to 1:30 AM, I took a break from binge watching ‘House of Cards’ and let the dogs out in the backyard. There was this genteel feeling outside with all the snow. It was night time, but it so bright with all the snow, and it was unusually but peacefully quiet. I was so caught up in the moment I didn’t want to spend it alone, so I softly woke up WifeGeeding and told her we should take a walk. At first she thought I was joking, but then she saw I was serious and we took a nice stroll around the neighborhood, just the both of us, and held hands the entire way. It’s a moment I hope I never forget.
Always living in Texas, it just seems weird watching news reports of people up north having an oil truck stop by to fill their home tanks so they can heat their homes. I don’t think I’ve been in a house in which it wasn’t heated by natural gas. Every house has a gas line that’s run to it, just like a water line or electrical line, so it’s continuous and there’s no need to refill anything.
It was fun while it lasted – My local grocery store no longer carries Citrus Cooler Gatorade. It was brought back for a limited time by Gatorade to honor the company’s 50th anniversary and their first spokesperson, Michael Jordan. It was his favorite flavor. I had hopes they’d keep it around.
If I owned any floor from Lumber Liquidators, I’d be pretty concerned after watching last night’s ’60 Minutes’ segment. Basically, there may too much formaldehyde used in their floors that can affect your health.
I talked to a deacon at the massive Prestonwood Baptist Church. He said they have more than 220 deacons, I think the actual number is 225. They serve for three years, take a year off, then serve again as an active deacon. Wash, rinse, repeat.
The character of Spock meant a lot to me when I was a child. As a half-white and half-Asian little boy, I thought I was the only one that was “weird” like that, then I found out Spock was half-human and half-Vulcan. Shatner stated he couldn’t make his friend’s funeral because of a prior charity commitment. I think he really loved Nimoy, and could have made the funeral, but just couldn’t emotionally bring himself to attend the funeral, somewhat similar to when David Spade chose not to attend Chris Farley’s funeral.
This is what a cheeseburger looks like on the International Space Station. Tortillas are used in place of a bun or bread because crumbs will break off, float away, get into things, and damage stuff.
Buzzfeed – These Are The Most Popular Panties In Your State – I really doubt the multicolor satin boudoir bodysuit is most popular Texas, it may be in GeedingManor, but not in the entire state.
I had a feeling during our local Ebola scare that Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital was negligent in properly educating their staff on proper procedures and protection and were on a massive PR campaign getting on ’60 Minutes’ and making sure all their staff had the same story. Now, one of the nurses, is suing the hospital for just that and invading her privacy.
Here’s the latest Wikipedia:Top 25 Report, which is the 25 most popular articles for the week, though it’s behind a few weeks.
I’ve never eaten boiled peanuts, but they were mentioned in ‘House of Cards’. I bought some at the grocery store yesterday but haven’t tried them yet.
I will not give away any ‘House of Cards’ spoilers, so here are my spoiler-free thoughts for season three:
Placed advertisements annoy me, and the ones by Microsoft for their phones and Samsung for their device sharing feature is almost over-reaching. There’s also product placement by Apple but it’s not as noticeable since all their products have a unique design and just seem like a part of everyday life.
There’s noticeable green screen use when Underwood is at the Resolute desk in the Oval Office or looking out the window.
Underwood seems to have gained some weight, perhaps that’s due to the stress of his new job.
News or celebrity type cameos are a bit too scripted, so they don’t come off as their regular selves.
I read somewhere that there will only be four seasons of this show, with 13 episodes per season. So that will mean a total of 52 episodes, the same amount in a deck of cards.
I wasn't able to catch the entire 60 Minutes segment on Lumber Liquidators, but if I heard correctly, the inquiry was launched by a stock market analyst who was short selling the company's stock? I got the impression from the piece that it was more about assassinating LL than alerting the public to formaldehyde in building materials. Lots of yellow flags here.
No doubt formaldehyde is linked to/causes health issues, but with the number of products/building supplies used in the home, it really appears the story was rigged to spotlight one company and product type (flooring). If I had laminate flooring that had been installed many years ago, I'd probably leave it be, absent some evidence of health problems in the home. Unlike asbestos fibers, the VOCs from the urea formaldehydes, once outgassed (true, it's never 100%, but at some point becomes negligible), dissipate and don't contaminate other surfaces or textures.
LL needs to get its suppliers in line with acceptable CARB urea formaldehyde levels, but I'm also hoping there's an SEC probe into the analyst shorting their stock and possibly lobbying CBS to report this story. I think we may see more from this.
For the record, we never broke up, we just took a fourteen…no, seriously, I have no connection to LL as consumer, employee, vendor, or investor, or in any other way.
I guess I should take it on faith in science that formaldehyde inside of flooring could be a health hazard but exactly how does it pass from a sealed piece of wood on the floor into a person walking on it? It would seem it must be extremely deadly if just a small amount inside a strip of flooring can cause cancer. If were in my home, I wouldn't remove it until they could tell me more about how exactly it contaminates the home. Sounds a lot like the radon, Alar and black mold scares of old that eventually went away without much in the way of remediation.
I'm with The Donald, I smell a rat and the rat smells like a hedge fund trader.
The Gatorade is not an issue of mine, but I was disappointed when Kroger stopped carrying Crazy Water. I just now checked CW's website, and supposedly both of the Albertson's near me carry it…we'll see.
I wasn't able to catch the entire 60 Minutes segment on Lumber Liquidators, but if I heard correctly, the inquiry was launched by a stock market analyst who was short selling the company's stock? I got the impression from the piece that it was more about assassinating LL than alerting the public to formaldehyde in building materials. Lots of yellow flags here.
No doubt formaldehyde is linked to/causes health issues, but with the number of products/building supplies used in the home, it really appears the story was rigged to spotlight one company and product type (flooring). If I had laminate flooring that had been installed many years ago, I'd probably leave it be, absent some evidence of health problems in the home. Unlike asbestos fibers, the VOCs from the urea formaldehydes, once outgassed (true, it's never 100%, but at some point becomes negligible), dissipate and don't contaminate other surfaces or textures.
LL needs to get its suppliers in line with acceptable CARB urea formaldehyde levels, but I'm also hoping there's an SEC probe into the analyst shorting their stock and possibly lobbying CBS to report this story. I think we may see more from this.
For the record, we never broke up, we just took a fourteen…no, seriously, I have no connection to LL as consumer, employee, vendor, or investor, or in any other way.
I guess I should take it on faith in science that formaldehyde inside of flooring could be a health hazard but exactly how does it pass from a sealed piece of wood on the floor into a person walking on it? It would seem it must be extremely deadly if just a small amount inside a strip of flooring can cause cancer. If were in my home, I wouldn't remove it until they could tell me more about how exactly it contaminates the home. Sounds a lot like the radon, Alar and black mold scares of old that eventually went away without much in the way of remediation.
I'm with The Donald, I smell a rat and the rat smells like a hedge fund trader.
…grocery store no longer carries Citrus Cooler …
The Gatorade is not an issue of mine, but I was disappointed when Kroger stopped carrying Crazy Water. I just now checked CW's website, and supposedly both of the Albertson's near me carry it…we'll see.
BTW, what's the status of the Baker project?