Yesterday afternoon I noticed taped beside every door at GeedingManor were paper square cutouts. Curious, I asked DaughterGeeding why she did such a thing, and she said, “Oh, wait a second, stay right there.” and ran off. She returned with a credit card size piece of paper with what is suppose to be my profile and told me this was my security card, just like the ones her teachers have at school which are used to unlock doors.
Brian Williams will be suspended without pay for six months which means ‘ABC World News’ will be taking over the top spot in the ratings, which already happened on Monday. This could not happen at a worst time for NBC News as the ratings period just started. I don’t see NBC News settling for second place and giving ABC News any momentum, so I still expect Williams to be gone – it’s all about the mighty dollar and this credibility can’t be relied on. I also read that Williams is lawyering up, coworkers are tired of his embellishments, and he’s on Tom Brokaw’s s-list, so I’m certain he’ll go the way of David Gregory and Ann Curry. Oh, and Conan.
Where will Williams end up? CNN. The current president of CNN is Jeff Zucker, who was the former president and CEO of NBC Universal.
It seems so weird to have Comedy Central with no Stewart or Colbert. Come on, Jon, you couldn’t wait to leave until after the next presidential election? There seems to be a lot of online support to have Amy Poehler fill his seat, which would be interesting. I wouldn’t be surprised if we never saw Stewart do anything in the spotlight again.
2015 looks like it’s gonna be a tough year for me as both Letterman and Stewart are stepping away this year. What’s next, U2 gonna break up? Speaking of U2, I finally heard a song from the new album on the radio last night – “Every Breaking Wave”.
Speaking of Letterman, Bill Belichick will be on Dave’s show tonight which is a bit of a surprise for me. There’s no doubt Dave will tease him about deflate-gate. Last night Chris Elliot was a guest, and he seemed emotionally sincere thanking Dave for starting his career and all he’s done for him. Elliot also looks super healthy.
I always had a thing for Gwen Stafani but she looks different as of late, like in a bad way, as if she had a facelift. Hopefully it’s just a change in makeup.
I knew that In-N-Out drink cups had John 3:16 printed on the inside bottom, but it wasn’t until drinking one of their milkshakes yesterday that I noticed those cups have Proverbs 3:5. A little more research tells me their wrappers even have verses. Man, I don’t think I’ve touched the book of Nahum since a Bible course in college.
The Smithsonian sent out a tweet about repairing the original model of the Enterprise and Shatner gets cutsy. That model is a lot larger than I imagined.
Brian Williams' downfall was caused by the very troops he was travelling with complaining about his exaggerations. If he never served in the military, which I don't believe he did, then it's doubling insulting to see him sitting on Dave's couch telling "war stories". I saw this morning that he also considers himself an entertainer and submitted his name as a replacement for Jay Leno when Leno stepped down. It's hard for me to have much sympathy when someone who has a big ego trips and falls, especially when he's making $10 million a year to read the news.
I thought that Jon Stewart might leave soon. I was just hoping he would wait a bit because I'm still grieving over the end of the Colbert show.
Amy Poehler would be a great replacement, as would Tina Fey. I was thinking they might bring John Oliver back although there is something uncomfortable about a Brit making fun of certain Americans by adopting a Southern accent. I just hope they don't go with Jason Jones…that guy is just plain crude.
Chronic fatigue sounds like one of those 21st century diseases in which drug companies invent a disease and then cure a disease. My Grandmother chopped wood to cook food for 9 kids. Did the wash for 9 kids and had to go to market (which was 5 miles away on foot) to buy food. She didn't have time to suffer from Chronic fatigue.
Brian Williams' downfall was caused by the very troops he was travelling with complaining about his exaggerations. If he never served in the military, which I don't believe he did, then it's doubling insulting to see him sitting on Dave's couch telling "war stories". I saw this morning that he also considers himself an entertainer and submitted his name as a replacement for Jay Leno when Leno stepped down. It's hard for me to have much sympathy when someone who has a big ego trips and falls, especially when he's making $10 million a year to read the news.
I thought that Jon Stewart might leave soon. I was just hoping he would wait a bit because I'm still grieving over the end of the Colbert show.
Amy Poehler would be a great replacement, as would Tina Fey. I was thinking they might bring John Oliver back although there is something uncomfortable about a Brit making fun of certain Americans by adopting a Southern accent. I just hope they don't go with Jason Jones…that guy is just plain crude.
Henry Ford was an anti-Semitic Nazi lover. I don't know why that gets buried in American history, he's still portrayed as some kind of hero.
Chronic fatigue sounds like one of those 21st century diseases in which drug companies invent a disease and then cure a disease. My Grandmother chopped wood to cook food for 9 kids. Did the wash for 9 kids and had to go to market (which was 5 miles away on foot) to buy food. She didn't have time to suffer from Chronic fatigue.
I always thought Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was spell "L A Z Y".
RE: Door security
For fun…put a small mirror next to your daughter's door. Tell her it's a new retina scan device for extra security.