DaughterGeeding wanted to film a hair product commerical

She’s trying to solve the age-old question of using tangle spray or a comb.

I’m trying to solve the age-old question of why can’t WifeGeeding hold her iPhone correctly when recording video.

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3 Responses to DaughterGeeding wanted to film a hair product commerical

  1. Tammy says:

    Oh my…she is adorable!!

  2. Melissa says:

    that is hands down the cutest commercial EVER! i will be buying that tangle spray today!!! she is so sweet and i know she has to melt your heart daily!

  3. TKO says:

    Thank you for your daily updates, consider me your blog P1. The vertical video recorder drives me CRAZY! I don't know why the importance of the horizontal in this case is so lost on people. Keep up the good work! Very cute kiddo btw.

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