Even though the part wasn’t demanding, DaughterGeeding was a great Mary in her Christmas play. We arrived to her school early to get good seats and I was asked if I was the professional videographer. That stuff happens all the time to us folks of Asian descent, and I didn’t even have a tripod. The preschool director said she opted to not hire a videographer this year so all the mothers then appointed me the official one and asked that I share the recording with them. So if you are interested in the ten-minute play, you can watch it here. As for what I used to record it, it was just my Canon digital camera that I use for most of my pictures. And I got a kick that Mary was a quarter-Asian married to a black Joseph.
Nothing was really on TV last night but I caught an episode of TLC’s ‘Santa Sent Me to the ER’, a show about accidents during the Christmas season which of course caused an ER visit. The best line from the show came from a doctor, “As a medical professional and or anyone with just common sense, I would advise against blind jumping down a chimney.”
I know most chimneys aren’t made large enough for any human to fit through and there are urban legends galore, but I distinctly remember a local story in the 80’s with Clarice Tensely reporting it. A father went missing for days and was found later in a Santa suit stuck in a chimney after the body started to smell. Unbeknown to the wife and kids, he was trying to surprise to them and no one knew of his plan.
A couple of days ago, LiberallyLean.com mentioned that Fox4 use to be CBS station KDFW 4 but couldn’t quite remember the reason why and he got the timeframe a bit off, or something like that. It’s easy for me to remember because I was in my first year of college (1994-95) and that was when CBS lost the NFL to Fox. The Cowboys were a hot ticket at the time and KDFW was long known as the primary station for the Cowboys as they mainly aired NFC games. In my mind, KDFW didn’t want to lose any rating numbers connected to the Cowboys and decided to switch stations, though I know that’s not exactly correct.
I’m guessing the price of a barrel of oil does not include the actual barrel.
I’m not sure how the current administration can say (though not officially) that North Korea is behind the Sony hack. I’ve read a few reports from hackers saying that with North Korea’s current online infrastructure it would be impossible when you consider the amount of data that had to be moved over the time period involved. They went on to say that it could have been done in China by North Korean hackers or a hired hand, or a scenario similar to Russians using Korean code to mask their efforts.
I didn’t have any plans on watching The Interview and was easily annoyed by their commercial in which James Franco says “whaaaaat” annoyingly, but I’m peeved it got pulled from theaters. But I’m more peeved that Paramount has pulled Team America from theaters.
I knew the U.S. was able to have the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba because of a treaty, but I didn’t know that the land is actually leased for “the annual lease payment of USD$2,000 in U.S. gold coin“. Gizmo provides a different number and states the checks have never been cashed – The U.S. pays Cuba about $4,085 every year for lease of the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. But the country refuses to accept it.
Amazon ‘suppresses’ book with too many hyphens – Graeme Reynolds’s novel High Moor 2: Moonstruck was withdrawn when the site decided 100 hyphenated words in 90,000 ‘impacted the readability’ of the book
I’ve noticed a lot of newsmen and television hosts sporting the three-piece suit as of late.
I thought Craig Ferguson did a stand up thing last night by starting the show off by talking to the man behind Geoff The Robot and all the other voices on his show. That actor is much better than Frank Caliendo, just check out this Morgan Freeman impersonation that wowed the actor himself.
I thought ‘The Daily Show’ didn’t end with their traditional Moment of Zen last night, but it actually aired at the end of ‘The Colbert Report’.
For Colbert’s last show, he had a plethora of guests sing a song that stretched the celebrity spectrum like none before – actors, musicians, authors, politicians, scientists, athletes, service men and women, Muppets, columnists, and on and on and on. It really was impressive to see who his folks were able to get for a quick bit. I never thought I’d see a mix of Toby Keith, Kareem, Henry Kissinger, George Lucas, Bryan Cranston, James Franco, current Chief of Staff of the Army U.S. Army General Ray Odierno, Big Bird, Alice Cooper, and Ken Burns in my entire live. And that was just scratching the surface.
I don’t think anything is more ‘MURICA than the ‘Colbert Report’ open. It opens and ends with a star-spangled bald eagle, case closed.
I think the idea is that oil is now so cheap that it might cost more to buy a physical, empty barrel than the same volume of oil it could contain, regardless of how they actually ship it.
I had forgotten, until I read your link, that there was a once serious effort to annex Cuba as a slave state shortly before the Civil War.
The manner and the history behind in the negotiation of the Guantanamo "lease" was one of the reasons the current regime wanted no part of working with the American government..
After Castro came to power, many wealthy, land owning Cubans fled to the U.S. I am wondering if all the anger Senator Rubio is exhibiting about this thawing of relations has to do with the fact that many of exiled Cuban-American families want a deal in which they can return to Cuba and re-claim all of the property they lost? I'm guessing they have claims to huge areas of prime real estate in Cuba that they gave up when Castro came to power.
He hate me – Amen, my in-laws were allowed to leave in '58 if they gave up everything they owned for the right to leave. Things should be made right with that group before things are returned to normal. If this happened in the US and things were taken from the general population with zero compensation (including seizing of bank accounts) then I don't believe many American's would support this move.
Colbert's finale was touching. The song was perfect. Vera Lynn would be proud.
You do realize a "barrel of oil" is a unit of measure don't you? 42 gallons I believe.
I think the idea is that oil is now so cheap that it might cost more to buy a physical, empty barrel than the same volume of oil it could contain, regardless of how they actually ship it.
I had forgotten, until I read your link, that there was a once serious effort to annex Cuba as a slave state shortly before the Civil War.
The manner and the history behind in the negotiation of the Guantanamo "lease" was one of the reasons the current regime wanted no part of working with the American government..
After Castro came to power, many wealthy, land owning Cubans fled to the U.S. I am wondering if all the anger Senator Rubio is exhibiting about this thawing of relations has to do with the fact that many of exiled Cuban-American families want a deal in which they can return to Cuba and re-claim all of the property they lost? I'm guessing they have claims to huge areas of prime real estate in Cuba that they gave up when Castro came to power.
He hate me – Amen, my in-laws were allowed to leave in '58 if they gave up everything they owned for the right to leave. Things should be made right with that group before things are returned to normal. If this happened in the US and things were taken from the general population with zero compensation (including seizing of bank accounts) then I don't believe many American's would support this move.