WifeGeeding’s book club read Gone Girl and last night she watched the movie with a bunch of female friends. If I mysteriously die or disappear, please keep this in mind.
We can endure it, America, keep your chins up – in a little over a week there campaign ads should no longer be airing.
Pat Sajak looks like the kind of man that doesn’t wash his hands after using the restroom, either number one or number two.
It bugs me when I see people lose a lot of weight and they just credit it to “I just stopped drinking” or something of the like. I’m chubby and don’t really have any vices that I can give up to have the pounds drop off.
It just feels a bit weird to me that the College Football Playoff poll members all met just five-and-a-half miles from GeedingManor. Silly thought of the day – The College Football Playoff poll should consist of either a governor or U.S. senator from each state.
I bet Tony Romo’s back is fine, it’s just the Cowboys staff thinks they are being smart by trying to confuse Arizona.
I haven’t watched much of the World Series, but I saw a touching moment when a Giants outfielder caught the final out of an inning and made the extra effort of jogging over to a little kids in a Royals uniform and but the ball in his glove. The game was in Kansas City in case you were wondering.
While watching Tom and Jerry with the kids, I’m amazed the owners of the house never notice the exceptionally cut mouse hole in the baseboards of the house.
I’m sure every geek watching ‘Agents of Shield’ last night really enjoyed seeing Adrianne Palicki in a Star Wars shirt.
The Dallas Morning News‘ Business section tweeted, “New rankings show SMU is a better college than Texas, Baylor, A&M” but the link they provided didn’t work.
Random Phil Collins quote, “”When I got older and became successful, I decided to spend my money on original items from the Alamo rather than on Ferraris.”
The local news stated that the new Nebraska Furniture Mart just started to stock its store and it will take a total of five months to complete that task, with 60 trucks being unloaded nightly.
Best line from last night’s ‘Daily Show’ in Austin that came from a parody country song, “When teachers tell kids HOWDY…nearly half of them say hola.”
I found I could drop 10 pounds in one month alone by NOT eating anything white-potatoes, bread, rice, noodles, etc. But it is so hard to continue to do that!
Right there with you on the weight-loss thing. I don't even drink non-diet soda, so I can't even save there. Several years ago I had lots of success with the South Beach diet, but like not skinny said, it's hard to keep that up. More recently I've done well using a calorie-tracking app and eating between 1200-1800 calories per day, but that is very time consuming and also difficult to maintain. When you lose the genetic metabolic lottery, that entire aspect of life is just harder than it is for others. And that's the frustrating thing about diet and food – it's not like an addiction to smoking where you can do your best to just quit. Everyone has to eat. It just comes down to making the right choices and portion control, neither of which is simple to do long-term.
Haven't watched last night's SHIELD yet, but now I'm certainly anxious to get home…
"'Operation' game inventor can't afford his own surgery" – Today's REAL dose of 'Murica.
According to the story, the assault guy at DFW airport was from Shelbyville….a town created so that people could marry their cousins. And he probably had too much FUDD Beer
Studies show that diet sodas actually make you feel hungry. I always told my wife that diet sodas make people fat and it turns out to be true. Give up aspertame (sp?) It is one of the worst things you can put into your body.
No bread (all bread). I had a friend that would eat a hamburger only after removing the bun. He lost a lot of weight fairly fast. And another friend and his wife both lost a lot of weight by quitting bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice.
Drink coffee and tea all day. Go for a walk when hunger pangs set in. They’ll go away until the stomach knows it’s time to eat again. Fight and win the battle of the stomach brain (the second brain) and the head brain. Munch on little multicolored sweat peppers, cauliflower, brochelli, carrots, and home popped popcorn (no butter).
After a brief Scan of that website and their explanation, and after study, it will surely help me. Thank you my friend. I am always looking for help, and I try to provide help for those looking.
We all procrastinate in varying degrees and we all need motivation whether it’s acquired by yourself, or provided by a group, or a simple video, or an individual. Have you seen this one?
I’m chubby and don’t really have any vices that I can give up to have the pounds drop off.
Uh, you're definitely mistaken there. Try this. Take all the time you devote to blogging, tweeting, facebook, gaming etc. Devote yourself instead to a rake, hoe and shovel in a vegetable garden. Eat what you grow
Well, I don't do any gaming and I'm not on Facebook, but the overall point is that I'm playfully annoyed when people just say they give up one thing, like drinking, and then all of a sudden all the weight starts to drop off. I'm not saying I don't have bad eating habits or that I can be more active, just that I wish I could be like these people who say they gave up just one thing and then lost weight.
The no bread / potato comments are right on. Look up the book, by Gary Taubes on why a low-carbohydrate diet is the key to many people losing weight. I read his book, took the information to heart and went to a very low-carb diet and i lost 65 lbs in 6 mos (25 the first month)…. i have kept off for 2 years a well..
I found I could drop 10 pounds in one month alone by NOT eating anything white-potatoes, bread, rice, noodles, etc. But it is so hard to continue to do that!
Right there with you on the weight-loss thing. I don't even drink non-diet soda, so I can't even save there. Several years ago I had lots of success with the South Beach diet, but like not skinny said, it's hard to keep that up. More recently I've done well using a calorie-tracking app and eating between 1200-1800 calories per day, but that is very time consuming and also difficult to maintain. When you lose the genetic metabolic lottery, that entire aspect of life is just harder than it is for others. And that's the frustrating thing about diet and food – it's not like an addiction to smoking where you can do your best to just quit. Everyone has to eat. It just comes down to making the right choices and portion control, neither of which is simple to do long-term.
Haven't watched last night's SHIELD yet, but now I'm certainly anxious to get home…
"'Operation' game inventor can't afford his own surgery" – Today's REAL dose of 'Murica.
According to the story, the assault guy at DFW airport was from Shelbyville….a town created so that people could marry their cousins. And he probably had too much FUDD Beer
The incident now makes so much more sense.
More on Shelbyville http://simpsons.wikia.com/wiki/Shelbyville
Studies show that diet sodas actually make you feel hungry. I always told my wife that diet sodas make people fat and it turns out to be true. Give up aspertame (sp?) It is one of the worst things you can put into your body.
No bread (all bread). I had a friend that would eat a hamburger only after removing the bun. He lost a lot of weight fairly fast. And another friend and his wife both lost a lot of weight by quitting bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice.
Diet Soda May Alter Our Gut Microbes And Raise The Risk Of Diabetes.
Woody Harrelson is involved in this.
Drink coffee and tea all day. Go for a walk when hunger pangs set in. They’ll go away until the stomach knows it’s time to eat again. Fight and win the battle of the stomach brain (the second brain) and the head brain. Munch on little multicolored sweat peppers, cauliflower, brochelli, carrots, and home popped popcorn (no butter).
Could you help me? When does a period go inside or outside parenthesis? I’ve Goggled it but I’m still confussed.
there appears to be three rules: http://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/parens.asp
After a brief Scan of that website and their explanation, and after study, it will surely help me. Thank you my friend. I am always looking for help, and I try to provide help for those looking.
Procrastination and motivation:
We all procrastinate in varying degrees and we all need motivation whether it’s acquired by yourself, or provided by a group, or a simple video, or an individual. Have you seen this one?
Watch it for free at:
I’m chubby and don’t really have any vices that I can give up to have the pounds drop off.
Uh, you're definitely mistaken there. Try this. Take all the time you devote to blogging, tweeting, facebook, gaming etc. Devote yourself instead to a rake, hoe and shovel in a vegetable garden. Eat what you grow
Well, I don't do any gaming and I'm not on Facebook, but the overall point is that I'm playfully annoyed when people just say they give up one thing, like drinking, and then all of a sudden all the weight starts to drop off. I'm not saying I don't have bad eating habits or that I can be more active, just that I wish I could be like these people who say they gave up just one thing and then lost weight.
The no bread / potato comments are right on. Look up the book, by Gary Taubes on why a low-carbohydrate diet is the key to many people losing weight. I read his book, took the information to heart and went to a very low-carb diet and i lost 65 lbs in 6 mos (25 the first month)…. i have kept off for 2 years a well..
Book is: http://amzn.com/B003WUYOQ6
you can look up Gary Taubes on youtube if you are not a reader, there are several of his lectures posted.