A large spider has been taunting me the last two nights. She’ll spin a large web that goes from our tree to our trampoline, but when I check on it in the morning, it’s gone. Here’s a picture from the first night (high-res)and here’s the picture from the second night (high-res). In that first high-res pic you can see her eyes glowing, which kinda creeps me out. I sprayed some bug spray on her last night and she pretty much flipped me the bird and crawled to the tree. Now I have a feeling the next time I mow the lawn she’s gonna pounce on me with extreme vengeance.
My allergies for the past week have been worst than the spring.
Letterman very rarely has his first guest stick around for the second guest, but last night Denzel Washington decided to hang around for his friend Lenny Kravitz. Kravitz mentioned that his uncle was recently posthumously given the Medal of Honor. He just played it so cool last night, not only did he sit and chat with Dave and Denzel before he played, but during the commercial break he was singing with Paul and the band. Denzel actually introduced Kravitz before his number, it was almost like SNL.
Of all the smart phones I’ve owned, I enjoyed the Palm Pre the most and still miss it.
Another thought about ‘The Roosevelts’ – It certainly was something when FDR broke with President Washington’s tradition of only running/serving two terms, but I also thought it was interesting that he highly considered being the first president to resign from office – something he wanted to do after he saw the war effort come to an end.
I've seen that sign! It's in San Francisco, in a REALLY seedy part of town known as the Tenderloin. I wouldn't want my kids (if I had any) to be approached by adults who wandered in solo.
I wouldn't want to be approached by any of the adults even outside the park. A large proportion either have untreated mental disorders or untreated addictions. It's a scary area.
Leave that poor spider alone. It's harmless and will eat all those pesky insects.
Dude, poisoning spiders is un-cool. What the hell were you thinking?
If you hadn't spent last summer murdering all those geckos you wouldn't have your spider problem.
What goes around comes around.
I've seen that sign! It's in San Francisco, in a REALLY seedy part of town known as the Tenderloin. I wouldn't want my kids (if I had any) to be approached by adults who wandered in solo.
I wouldn't want to be approached by any of the adults even outside the park. A large proportion either have untreated mental disorders or untreated addictions. It's a scary area.