Letterman’s opening joke last night, “Lebron James is going back to Cleveland, and I’m going back to NBC.”
Letterman’s musical guest, Kiesza, did something unique last night. The performance started on stage, then outside to dance in front of a fire hydrant spraying water, and then back inside.
I had a dream in which ‘Game of Thrones’ was recreated in the old west where there were seven different ranches instead of kingdoms.
WifeGeeding looks for to 7/11 each year just to get her free Slurpee at 7-Eleven.
I took BoyGeeding for a pretty decent bike ride yesterday and came back winded, then DaughterGeeding begged me to take her for a ride. I was one tired Geeding at the end of the day.
There’s a collection of dimes I keep on a desk, and lately when I sit on the throne DaughterGeeding will slide a dime under the door. That makes me wonder if I was given a dime for each time I did that act, how much money would I have? Some quick math tells me about $14,000.
Hardin-Simmons University will stream a live satellite broadcast of a Bill Hybels run leadership event. They send out an announcement about it trying make it sound like a big deal for the university, but this line doesn’t make it sound so exclusive, “HSU is one of only 19 locations in Texas for the conference drawing more than 150,000 participants in the US alone.”
Sometimes I’ll end up talking politics to my conservative friends to get a better understanding of their point of view and maybe even change my thoughts on the subject. Recently that happened regarding the topic of lowering taxes to increase government income. Basically we both agreed there are sources and studies that support each claim, and then both agreed that each other’s sources weren’t substantial. I then learned sometimes it’s just best not talk politics with friends, no matter how hard I try to be respectful and understanding.
I do catch myself biting my tongue a lot when people are talking about subjects I totally disagree with. You know, important things, like the designated hitter and instant replay.
Gov Perry wants to put National Guard troops on the border as a form of intimidation to shoo away potential illegal immigrants, hoping that word of a military presence will spread and keep others from coming. I’m completely neutral on the idea, but money has to come from somewhere to put those guys there.
There are many of you I’d really like to meet in person.
There are many of you that if I met you in person I’d fear I’d be shot or gutted.
I really should donate to Wikipedia considering how much I use it.
There are many of you I’d really like to meet in person. I read that the first time as "There are many of you I’d really like to meet in prison."
Really need to let that coffee kick in before I start reading. But it did create an interesting visual.
Orange is the new geeding.