I’m not one for vacations or beaches, probably because I usually don’t have the money or body for such a voyage, but WifeGeeding has demanded we travel with the kids to Corpus Christi next month for a couple of days. Other than playing on the beach, her next highest priority it to eat at the two-story Whataburger. If any of you have any suggestions of places to stay and go (and places to avoid entirely) in Corpus Christi, please let me know.
A good friend of mine and his wife have been trying to have a child without any luck. They found out yesterday that they get to take home a nine-month-old-girl for adoption today.
Maybe it’s because I really enjoyed the movie Commando but I really got a kick out of these two pictures of the younger and older versions of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Alyssa Milano.
Miss Cleo appeared in one of my recent dreams.
I use to work at the Cityplace building in Dallas, it’s that one skyscraper that’s set way off from all the others. This beautiful skyline photo of Dallas was taken on the 42nd floor of that building.
HBO will have a documentary special on Ann Richards. I can’t blame any of my friends on the right that think the timing is a little suspicious with a current female Democrat running for her old job. But then again, there was a very success Broadway play about her last year and HBO recently had documentaries over Bush 41 and Ronald Reagan.
Now that I think about it, there’s currently a play about LBJ with Bryan Cranston on Broadway. Texas politicians sure do get a lot of attention.
I lived in Corpus for a year when I was in kindergarten and first grade. From what I remember, it was a pretty neat town. Definitely hit up the WB just because it’s 2 stories. If you’re into military history, the USS Lexington is anchored in the harbor downtown and used to be open as a museum; it’s still there on google maps. There’s lots of parks down on Ocean Drive (runs along the bay) that I’m sure the kids would love. If you get a chance, take the ferry or drive over to Mustang Island State Park and grab a bite to eat. Lots of marine life there that you definitely can’t see in North Texas.
Next time y’all take a trip, let me recommend a house on the Boliver Penninsula, across from Galveston. If you don’t care about the water not being “North Florida Clear”, you can’t beat it. A group of friends and I did that over spring break a few years ago in college and it was super cheap. Something like $800 for a house on the water for 5 nights. Full kitchen with dishes, grill down below, and literally a minute walk from the water.
About eight years ago my grandson's Boy Scout troop did a weeklong summer camp in Corpus We pitched our tents right on the beach.
We went to a SeaWorld-type venue and also a museum devoted to describing what the Texas coastal area was like during pre-Columbian times, as well as after the first settlers arrived. I found it interesting and very well done. Not what I expected and I learned a lot about early Texas.
We also went on the Lexington, which is definitely worth the price of admission.
My favorite attraction was a tour of a full-sized replica of the Pinta, one of Columbus's three sailing ships. I've never gotten over how small and primitive the vessel was. There were no cabins, the entire crew slept on the deck wherever they could find a place to lay down. Everything below the deck was foul and the crew only went down there to retrieve supplies. They even cooked on the main deck The ship didn't have a wheel but rather a large bar they pushed and pulled to move the rudder, similar to a small sail boat. Amazing they made it across the Atlantic in that thing.
I'm a huge Ann fan. She was a larger than life character from a bygone era even in the 90's. Fantasy dinner party: Ann Richards, LBJ, Ike and Sam Rayburn.
It might turn into more than 2 gates for Virgin. The gates Delta has are sublet from AA. AA turned all it's Love gates to Virgin in the DOJ deal. So does that mean Delta is now leasing from Virgin? Virgin has already expressed the desire to make Love a hub. Hard to do that with 2 gates. City not happy about getting bypassed. Many hijinx to come. Grab the popcorn and get comfy.
We have enjoyed the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus. It's not too expensive but has some nice sea creatures.
As much as the rest of the country likes to bash on Texas, they sure do seem to like our politicians…
I lived in Corpus for a year when I was in kindergarten and first grade. From what I remember, it was a pretty neat town. Definitely hit up the WB just because it’s 2 stories. If you’re into military history, the USS Lexington is anchored in the harbor downtown and used to be open as a museum; it’s still there on google maps. There’s lots of parks down on Ocean Drive (runs along the bay) that I’m sure the kids would love. If you get a chance, take the ferry or drive over to Mustang Island State Park and grab a bite to eat. Lots of marine life there that you definitely can’t see in North Texas.
Next time y’all take a trip, let me recommend a house on the Boliver Penninsula, across from Galveston. If you don’t care about the water not being “North Florida Clear”, you can’t beat it. A group of friends and I did that over spring break a few years ago in college and it was super cheap. Something like $800 for a house on the water for 5 nights. Full kitchen with dishes, grill down below, and literally a minute walk from the water.
About eight years ago my grandson's Boy Scout troop did a weeklong summer camp in Corpus We pitched our tents right on the beach.
We went to a SeaWorld-type venue and also a museum devoted to describing what the Texas coastal area was like during pre-Columbian times, as well as after the first settlers arrived. I found it interesting and very well done. Not what I expected and I learned a lot about early Texas.
We also went on the Lexington, which is definitely worth the price of admission.
My favorite attraction was a tour of a full-sized replica of the Pinta, one of Columbus's three sailing ships. I've never gotten over how small and primitive the vessel was. There were no cabins, the entire crew slept on the deck wherever they could find a place to lay down. Everything below the deck was foul and the crew only went down there to retrieve supplies. They even cooked on the main deck The ship didn't have a wheel but rather a large bar they pushed and pulled to move the rudder, similar to a small sail boat. Amazing they made it across the Atlantic in that thing.
It's a great day FOR America.
I'm a huge Ann fan. She was a larger than life character from a bygone era even in the 90's. Fantasy dinner party: Ann Richards, LBJ, Ike and Sam Rayburn.
It might turn into more than 2 gates for Virgin. The gates Delta has are sublet from AA. AA turned all it's Love gates to Virgin in the DOJ deal. So does that mean Delta is now leasing from Virgin? Virgin has already expressed the desire to make Love a hub. Hard to do that with 2 gates. City not happy about getting bypassed. Many hijinx to come. Grab the popcorn and get comfy.