During my sabbatical there was really one one time I really wanted to blog and that was over David Letterman’s retirement announcement. I basically wanted to express that his announcement was no surprise and the reason it hit straight to the heart for a lot of folks wasn’t because there was sadness over a successful, wealthy, famous person who was not going to be on late night for our enjoyment, but it’s really just another sign a part of our youth will be gone and all we’ll have left are the memories. I was then going to tie that in with Kidd Kraddick’s surprise death. A lot of local people my age grew up with Kraddick and then drifted away after our mid-twenties, and that’s similar to folks who were Dave fanatics but no longer watch. We don’t know these people, but they forever connect us to a time in our life when we had no worries and the road of life looked endless. Now, that connection is lost and that road looks much shorter and even wasn’t as smooth as we imagined.
Letterman’s Top Ten yesterday focused on that story that Jesus may have had a wife and the top ten things you may have heard at his wedding. The ones that cracked me up the most were:
10. “On his wedding day you’d think he’d shave.”
9. “I didn’t know Jesus was so religious.”
7. “Who invited Judas?”
3. “This wine tastes watery.”
To that list, I would have probably added “I hope she took out a life insurance policy.” But that also makes me wonder if the policy would still be valid if someone rose from the dead three days later and then disappears after 40 more days with no body to be found.
My afternoon at The TICKET’s Mothership got moved to Monday since the Hardline has a lot of remotes this week. For five bucks, I could take DART rail which would take 41 minutes. Driving would take me about 25 minutes with light traffic, but I’d have to pay for parking. I just might give DART a try. In terms of having a user friendly website, I’d have to give DART a D.
I didn’t know Craig Sager was first treated in Dallas and sent to the hospital by the Mav’s physician regarding his soon-to-be leukemia diagnosis.
Man, ‘Fargo’ on FX is just darn good, and Dallas and Baylor folks should be proud of the work the lead actress is doing.
I’ve been upset over the performance of my laptop and after a lot of research and weighing options, an upgrade to Windows 8 would be best. And then I remember that I’m still listed as an adjunct professor for a university based out in East Texas and I get discounted software. The upgrade only cost me $20, the download took less than ten minutes, and if I didn’t forget about leaving a SD card in the built in flash drive the install would have finished in about a half hour. Surprisingly Windows 8 takes up less room than Windows 7 and my laptop is much more efficient.
I made mention yesterday that I was contacting people that have meant a lot to me but I haven’t reached out to in over five years. The latest person was a colonel and base commander at Dyess AFB when I was a college student. For my leadership studies minor, we had to do two interns, one associated with our major and another that had nothing to do with our major. I attended church with the colonel and “somewhat” dated his daughter and he arranged an internship for me. To this day the only office I had with my name on it was the one he arranged for me. When I finished my internship I wanted to actually become an Air Force officer, but I couldn’t qualify. My exposure at the base helped me bond with my father who was in the Navy and Army for 28 years like we never had before. Of all the cool military stuff I got to experience with the colonel, what I remember most his a certain act of grace. DadGeeding was dying, was pretty much in a coma, and I was his only visitor at the time all tired and stress. I thought I was hallucinating when I saw the colonel walk through the hospital room door – he was kind enough to drive from Abilene to Mineral Wells just to check on me. I’m glad I called him and told him how much that meant to me, how I admired him, and thanked him one last time for saying the final prayer at my father’s funeral before he was lowered in the ground.
There was a tweet that made me think a lot yesterday. It basically said that when I hear ten years ago I’m thinking the 90’s, not 2004.
My grandmother died on this day back in 1986, I think I was the only one that liked her, candy can cloud a child’s judgement.
I don't mind taking rail/public transportation if it gets me reasonably close. I used to take the TRE to Dallas all the time when I lived in Hurst. Best way to go to a Mavs/Stars game. Wish there were more light rail routes.
Fargo is really good. Much better than I anticipated.
I was working in Refugio when Dave started Late Night. I had to spin the antenna toward San Antonio and pull in a weak snowy signal to watch. Corpus went off the air after Johnny. They were too cheap to pay for running the transmitter. They finally gave in a year later.
Regarding Letterman and others tying us to our youth. I have the same theory about donuts (and other food). I frequently hear folks discussing that donut brand x is better than y (foolish conversation since Shipley's is the best).
Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that we really associate donuts (and restaurants) with events. In my childhood we would frequently have fun events where Shipley's donuts were present. In high school we would all go to the same mediocre Mexican restaurant after significant events. I still think that mediocre Mexican food restaurant is great, but it is because so many memories of my High School 'Glory Days' are associated with it…not because the food is any good.
Thank you for that insight re: Letterman and our youth. I hadn't thought of things in that way. Doing so makes me a bit sad, but at the same time the new perspective makes me think.
I don't mind taking rail/public transportation if it gets me reasonably close. I used to take the TRE to Dallas all the time when I lived in Hurst. Best way to go to a Mavs/Stars game. Wish there were more light rail routes.
Fargo is really good. Much better than I anticipated.
I was working in Refugio when Dave started Late Night. I had to spin the antenna toward San Antonio and pull in a weak snowy signal to watch. Corpus went off the air after Johnny. They were too cheap to pay for running the transmitter. They finally gave in a year later.
Regarding Letterman and others tying us to our youth. I have the same theory about donuts (and other food). I frequently hear folks discussing that donut brand x is better than y (foolish conversation since Shipley's is the best).
Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that we really associate donuts (and restaurants) with events. In my childhood we would frequently have fun events where Shipley's donuts were present. In high school we would all go to the same mediocre Mexican restaurant after significant events. I still think that mediocre Mexican food restaurant is great, but it is because so many memories of my High School 'Glory Days' are associated with it…not because the food is any good.
Thank you for that insight re: Letterman and our youth. I hadn't thought of things in that way. Doing so makes me a bit sad, but at the same time the new perspective makes me think.