A very happy birthday to my favorite Wise Country blogging lawyer.
I made a Costco run on Sunday, parked in the front, and unloaded my purchases. For the next two days I couldn’t find my keys. We forgot to check the mail on Monday so when I went out the front door yesterday I found my keys still in the front door. I’m surprised no one saw them and drove off my my vehicle that was only 15 feet away.
I’m getting a feeling the Sochi Olympics aren’t going to go well and NBC is going to be pretty positively biased in their covered with just a few exceptions.
Everytime I’ve emailed Mark Cuban he’s replied within a day, and yesterday it was within an hour. From the tone and other characteristics of the messages it doesn’t seem like he has someone else replying. My latest email to him was about his role and if he had any regret about endorsing a scam weight loss product called Body Solutions about ten years ago. He basically said he was encouraged to do it to become a team player because other NBA owners were doing the it and he learned a lesson. I felt compelled to email him because he goes bonkers on that sort of stuff in Shark Tank yet I thought he was being a bit hypocritical since he endorsed something similar in the past.
I low how the NFL uses Roman numerals for each Super Bowl, but in two years it will look odd when we see Super Bowl L.
The Denver Broncos have more than ten percent of all Super Bowl losses.
Well, it turns out someone did win a prop bet on a safety on the first play of the Super Bowl, but I thought he would have won more.
I forgot that the University of Kentucky and later the New York Giants had a very heavy set quarterback. It turns out he’s still playing and even more heavy set. Here’s an update on him with video, he’s bigger than his linemen.
When people discuss the beginning of life or that it begins at conception, sometimes I tend to think it starts at ejaculation since sperm is a living organism.
When I first heard of the term “over the counter drugs” I thought it meant stuff that was sold behind the counter where the pharmacist was standing, stuff out of my reach.
I have a friend that gets slightly annoyed when someone loses something, finds it, and then says “It was in the last place I looked.” He likes to reply, “Well, good, it should have been in the last place you looked, otherwise you kept looking for nothing.”
My inside voice only has one volume setting, the inflection changes, but the volume stays the same.
I never understood why Garfield hates Mondays since he doesn’t work.
I posted a link last week about a chance to win a date with George Clooney where the winner could go to the premier of his new movie and get a behind the scenes look at the Letterman show. Last night Clooney was on Letterman and they briefly showed the woman and her very young daughter who are actually from Dallas. If CBS11 was smart they’d get an interview with her. Oh, and both of Clooney’s parents even made an appearance on the show.
I primarily get my local news from CBS11. They had a poll asking when was the last time you shopped at Radio Shack and 60% couldn’t even remember. I hope the best for the local company, but I’m still surprised they are in business all these years. Ten years ago if you asked me if Circuit City or Radio Shack would still be around, I would have guessed incorrectly.
I use the Google countdown timer to motivate me to finish tasks at work. For instance, I’ll decided that for the next 20 minutes I’m going to work on one specific topic before taking a break or moving on to something else, so I’ll just type “set timer for 20 minutes” and when it beeps I can wrap up and move on. It’s just a nice little tool to help me divide and conquer and feel productive.
I feel Ch 11 is the most local of the "Big 4". It used to be Ch 5, but NBC has scrubbed every local link possible from their staff with the exception of David Finfrock (who apparently has a very lucrative and lengthy contract) and turned the place into a AA farm team for NBC.
I'm surprised Mark Cuban responds to your e-mail. That's impressive.
I feel Ch 11 is the most local of the "Big 4". It used to be Ch 5, but NBC has scrubbed every local link possible from their staff with the exception of David Finfrock (who apparently has a very lucrative and lengthy contract) and turned the place into a AA farm team for NBC.
I'm surprised Mark Cuban responds to your e-mail. That's impressive.
I've never set foot inside a Costco.
You may want to change "contraception" to "conception".
Double Fake Dave Concepcion