Bag of Randomness


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6 Responses to Bag of Randomness

  1. warren says:

    Creamed corn bandit…they can keep it

  2. J.B. and Howie says:

    Death of Todd Christensen: When we first heard that a former Oakland Raider had died at age 57, during a liver transplant, we immediately assumed a certain impression of him. Then we read his obituary this morning and learned that he was a Mormon, never drank, and liked to write and recite poetry.

  3. Hash Brown says:

    "◾For all of you that emailed me, yes, I know what this blog’s estimated worth and score is on that website-worth website compared to Barry’s."

    The estimated worth of BON: Priceless

  4. tommy says:

    Taylor Swift, Rachel Maddow, Usher, etc .. I'll join you…

    • Geeding says:

      I actually don't mind the divergent celebrities and politicos with opposing views reciting this speech, it adds to the charm of the message and how it applies to everyone. I don't like ABC News tying to put Swift on the same level as the former presidents. A more appropriate title would have been Celebrities and Living Presidents Recite . . . .

  5. FUDGE says:


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