The Breaking Bad video everyone is giddy about this morning

“El Paso” scene in Breaking Bad plus the rest of it from Bonnie Rose on Vimeo.


When Stephen Colbert talked to Vince Gilligan about the song El Paso used in the season finale of Breaking Bad, he asked if Felina was Jesse or the blue meth, and Vince basically said Felina was the blue meth.. Viewed that way, the song El Paso matches up with not only the scene it was used in and the season finale, but the entire series. So I put the rest of it before and after the actual scene from the finale.

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3 Responses to The Breaking Bad video everyone is giddy about this morning

  1. Dude says:

    What a great idea and so well executed (especially cutting in the REAL scene in the car). I know Vince Gilligan would love it.

  2. sara says:

    That video wins the internets.

  3. RPM says:


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